Hello everyone; My name is Scott Solar. I own thesharpenershop.com and also do Cerakote on firearms. I joined survivalmonkey to help out with a question about knife sharpeners and have since really enjoyed surfing around the forums. I expect to staick around some and thus I make this introduction. Thanks for having me!
oops! I forgot I already made an intro! lol sorry fot eh double post, at least I was trying and not lurking!
Yo Hablo Español… a propósito que muy bien vivía encima en la parte posterior de Fallbrook en el 80' temprano; s. Recepción al mono As for those of you who dont speakie spaniola... the only phrase you need to know is "Déme una cerveza" Means; Give me another beer!
una cerveza más y 100 gramos de jamón por favor. One more beer and 100grams of ham, please. Beer always better with bocas! Jamon, or gallo pinto for me!
Dont be silly... this is football season... forget the ham... you order Chicharróns while the game is on
Better get use to it amigo... already the Hispanic segment of the US population is the fastest growing... they are now the second largest minority group by the time the next census comes round they might not be a minority group... "Yo prometo lealtad a la bandera de los estados Unidos de America, y a la Republica que representa, una Nacion bajo Dios, entera, con libertad y justicia para todos."