Gulf coast evacuation?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by USMCwife, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. USMCwife

    USMCwife Monkey++

    seems reliable enough to me, and was already what I was thinking. Other countries have pics that look awful, but I haven't seen them on our national news.
  2. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

  3. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    Sorry I did not post earlier, but my internet went out. I had you go to a hot spot to get this out.
    I will and can not tell my source, and I can not tell you what base they are at under speicial trainning.

    So, I will have to retract what I said. ... I think a bad source.
  4. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

  5. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I talked to a friend on the phone last night....He's a Hazwoper working on Pensacola Beach....(Hazardous Waste and Emergency Response).....

    He said he thought they were "doing a good thing" cleaning up the beaches.....but he broke down and cried yesterday. And this is a tough guy..Real tough guy. When he saw all the dead turtles, and fish...and then the dolphins..and now the oil washing up there? That was the breaking point.....He told me the enormity of this disaster is beyond comprehension....and that we will not see a resolution in our lifetimes...and probably not our children's....

    The oil is there, in Pensacola now....Just a few miles East, and it will hit where I am....

    And I've not felt this helpless in 40 forevers. Because other than spending money down here, volunteering to help clean wildlife...there is nothing I can do.
  6. USMCwife

    USMCwife Monkey++

    This is making me sick, figuratively, not literally...yet. I'm in Ga at the farm, and had plans to go back this weekend. But I don't even want to. This is too depressing.
  7. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Thank you for responding. I have no doubt Foriegn troops come here for training. Training is different from being Deployed here armed under some sort of UN command participating in some sort of interaction with/or against US citizens.
    Be careful what you post here. We don't want to hear rumors without details that can not be quickly cross checked. Some issues are quite hot button inflamitory areas that could cause real patriots to take action. So ... rumors like "I heard UN troops were being assembled at a southern military base for eminent Martial law evacuation and disarming of US citizens in 4 states coastal areas" would immediately cause an outcry and demand for details.
  8. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

  9. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    more crap

    According to this broadcast, troops, including foreign are stationed every 500 miles? In case of an evacuation of the Gulf?
    Excerpt from show
    “Reports are that the protocols that are being developed, what they are doing is bringing together primary battle groups. People that can actually be engaged in combat. Reinforced by foreign troops at 500 mile intervals. Every 500 miles you have a concentration of battle groups. so that the flow of people when it becomes beyond anything we have ever seen, they will have these communication hubs. Overall command is US. Including UN APPOINTED OFFICERS. Including RUSSIAN. 40 million people potentially to be evacuated. That does not include the people on the east coast. If this happens you could see potentially another ten million.P
    This is from a former New Mexican State Police officer, he said to me that their are reports that there had been previously unseen ground units emerging from otherwise inactive areas in the DESERT SOUTHWEST. Possibly foreign or coming from underground areas. They were headed toward the east… They are testing newly developed air dispersal chemicals.
    June 15 to 20th is the potential for a saturation point where human habitation would be in jeopardy. The elderly, the sick, and the young could die first. Again I don’t want people going crazy here, these are the best esitmates at the time for the worst cause scenario. Phase two would be deep down in the cost with a time frame from July 1st to July 10th as a potential when levels would reach the need to evacuate. The potential to affect 50 million.
    I have found out that independent scientists are looking at a second plume that is six miles wide and 3300 hundred feet down that may only be 20 miles south of Mobil Bay.
    Worst cause scenario, again these numbers were given to me by the folks who are working on this plan. This could be up to 200,000 state, county, and local police personal and upwards to 300,000 volunteers and regular staff that would be effected. This is not counting the military. Border enforcement will collapse as all available law enforcement are taken up. All civilian assets would be basically abandoned. These folks are charged with planning for every case including the worst case and this of course reflects the worst case”
    Editors Note: Could this be why we have had reports of UN troops in San Diego and Florida? This is really starting to get intense. The Intel hub has definitely not confirmed this. In no way are we posting this to cause fear. Our job is to get info to the people and let them decide. Personally I don’t even know what to believe at this point. Just reporting on Hawks update. It seems this report may somewhat coincidence with the Intel we have been receiving. (minus the Alien Hybrid theory) Let’s hope this top kill works! The thing that struck me the most about parts of this radio broadcast is when Hawk talked about the disinformation campaign that will be launched to deny these facts. The Intel hub has had many real patriots agree and disagree with our UN troops story but there has also been a fair amount of what i would call, “trolls”

    I got this from this site.
  10. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    The "Intel Hub" ??? ..... give me a freakin' break

    Sorry ISplatU, I ain't buying your sources. I have contacts with 4 families in the so called affected area, and they know my position on this. I have heard from one of those families about the spill on a regular basis since the blow out occurred. Nothing you have said matches up. Your sources are fully tin foil hat candidates IMO. I will make phone calls in the next few days to contact all my friends in that area. there is no way they can black out that many people and keep them from getting the word out.
    If it turns out I am wrong, .... the only thing I read in your linked source material was the Russians discussing losses at 75 - 80 percent, and a setback in US - Russian relations for multiple generations.
    That sounds about right to me!!!
  11. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    I am going to get my .02 in for future proof of my ability to see through clout (grounded in reality). There are no foreign troops. There will be no evacuation for oil leaking in the ocean.

    (I may be placing foot in mouth in near future, but I'm not afraid to admit when I am wrong.)
  12. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    I'm with you.
    The more hysterical rantings that come along, the more I feel it is just all hype. Hope I'm right.

    I will say this; Though there might not be a mass evacuation, in time, there might be a mass migration as the economy gets destroyed.
  13. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    very insightful...[applaud][applaud]
    best call yet....
  14. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Like I read somewhere else, trying to evacuate 40,000,000 people would be something like trying to herd cats, no amount of guns would ever get them all.
  15. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    Just talked with friends that got back from Tampa, FL last night. and they told me that as they were going down there that about six urban assalt trucks passed them flying. I ask what color they were and he said some green, some white, and some grey. They said they had some kind of a large hooks on both sides of the trucks.

    These friend actual went down there to warn friends of the comming danger.
    I only tell you this stuff for people to get prepared.
  16. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    And coincidentally they didn't get photos...
  17. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer


    Seriously...... lay off the caffeine.
  18. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    What do you need photos for?

    I mean is this not a site to go to for info for being prepared?

    I did not even ask them if they got pictures, because they are my friends I trust.

    I do not know about you guys, but I belive we are in for a major Crap Hitting The Fan, and all you can do doubt.

    I WANT TO BE WRONG, but if I am not I want some people ready for this.

    Please if you live with in 100 miles of the gulf coast search for more info on this. Because I have had people tell me stuff, that I am not getting on the internet. There is too many sightings, and planning behind the News for this to be just another Y2K, that really amounted to nonthing.

    If I am wrong I will place the biggest "I am sorry", I am a worm", " foot in mouth" what ever you want on here.

  19. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Trying to force people from their homes under force of arms, even for their own good, can come to no good result. After the fiasco in New Orleans with Katrina, even local, state and federal troops or police will be looked upon as the enemy by probably 50 percent of the people or more. Throw foreign UN troops into the mix, and it will be much worse.
    After your post about the Russian/German UN troops I made phone contact with 6 families from Dallas, Tx. to Panama City, Fl.
    Nothing has happened yet. No UN troops have been out and about. If they do, the word will get out fast. If phone and internet were to go down in that region, I have already talked to a couple of local Ham Operators who have contacts in these areas as well.
    People are all aware of what the government is capable of doing, right or wrong. They are being watchful and alert, and will get the word out.
    so..... I guess you have succeeded.
    However, I still think it is all highly improbable !!!
  20. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    A friend of mine owns a company here that treats oily water and disposes of drill mud. They have been shut down three times this last week because of high Benzene levels and once of for high H2S. Put that in your tinfoil crack pipe and smoke it.
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