That I haven't even received my call sign! Just passed my Tech exam yesterday (Saturday, 6/7/14). Squeeked by, then tried the General, what the heck it was free, but bombed that one big time. Gotta get me a decent study guide. Kajun
Congrats, TX. Keep an eye on the FCC website, as soon as it's posted there, you can go live. There's something in the Tech manual about how to do that with your call. Well done.
Well done, indeed. I too am a tech, but did not try for general yet. The study guide I am using is a free phone app. Same app was used for the tech level, and it worked fine there. "Ham radio study"
Welcome to the Monkey Ham Community.... @TXKajun Let us know when your CallSign is released... Lots to learn, and lots of Help around these parts.....
Just checked and my call sign, effective today, June 13, 2014 (Lucky Friday the 13th, right?? LOL) is [redacted]! I'm official! WOOHOOOOO!!! Kajun
Thanks to whoever redacted my call sign. Big OOPS on my part. I still have a looooooonggg way to go. I'm using a little Baofeng UV-5A now with a better antenna than the one that came on it. kellory, I'm going to take your advice. Kajun
You are welcome. I'm using a baofeng 3r, myself. (Even smaller than yours) Just getting started myself.
Have both a Wouxun KG-UVD1P and a Baofeng BF-F9 (which I still haven't programmed yet). Use the Wouxun both as a portable and in the car with an external antenna and a remote mic. I've got a Kenwood TS-430s for HF (General/Extra frequencies) but my antenna just doesn't seem to cut it. I can listen but nobody seems to hear me... I have GOT to move, buy some property with some LAND attached to it and set up a decent antenna... Edit - This got me motivated to actually program my Baofeng. It just mirrors my Wouxun but now I have a backup radio that I can actually use.
MFJ-1625 MFJ Enterprises Inc. It's a compromise antenna and ultimately I need to either put it outside when I use it (with a real counterpoise/ground plane) or I need to do something in the attic. The thing about the attic is that the wife really doesn't want cables run outside and I don't want to deal with getting the cable down through the wall.
If you have access to the attic, and decide to do a Permanent Installation, you just might consider this approach, that I used on my first Cabin, in Alaska. I took a 2" Dia. 2' Pipe and welded a flat Plate to it, that could be bolted thru one of the Roof Trusses, and allowed the 2' Pipe to stick up thru the Peak of the Roof. I had Steel Roofing, so that was then bonded together for the RF GroundPlane with RG8U Coax Braid. If you do not have a Steel Roof, then you string your CounterPoise Wires from the Plate, to all the corners of the house, in the Attic. As many wires as you can, and staple them to the underside of the Rafters to keep them out of the way. Kids are great for this job, if you can hire them for a couple of hours, and they usually work cheap. I had a 5BTV Vertical, mounted on my pipe, and with a good Tuner, was able to work all the HF Ham Bands, fairly well. I still have the 5BTV on my Present Cabin, and am using the Steel Roofing for the RF Ground, just not centered on the peak of the Roof. It is the one labeled Ham HF....
Unfortunately that's a no go in my HOA. Please, for the love of all that is marginally holy, don't get me started on the HOA. I know...I KNOW! I gotta get outta here but the wife just informed me that we aren't moving until we are looking to downsize (so that's at least 6 years until the second child goes to college).
Welcome to the Monkey Tree, @White Tiger ... From your post it would seem that you are a Ham.... Maybe you could introduce Yourself to the rest of the Monkey Hams....We are always looking for fellow RadioMen.... Bruce in Alaska (BTPost) AL7AQ (Yes, I understand that I posted my CallSign, but I live so far out in the bush, it doesn't make a difference to Momma and I.....) ....