welcome to another year on earth graced by your presence. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and kindness with us. Darrell
Thank you very much. I have 4 clients to see tomorrow so I don't expect I'll have too much time for celebrating. Mike Sadlak and I may go to the range on Saturday so that's about as good as it gets - good buddy, good guns - hopefully good shots!
Happy Birthday Righthand, I too have enjoyed you very much over the last year and more. I hope you have many more great years ahead!
May your candles be as bright as a sunshiny day, May all the people you meet have nice things to say. May all of the wishes that you have come true, I wish for all of this - and more - on your birthday, for you!! I hope that you have a SPECTACULAR Day!!!! Tracy
Happiest of days, Dee..... Enjoy the friendship and the time spent together...You're right..it doesn't get much better! I'm so glad you're here!! A monkey cake!
Woot! Have a great weekend D. As stated above, Been super to have you around here. Wow, Babies, birthdays, what's next? I think we really need to try and have a SM get together at some point soon.
I'm still at work (Sadlak's now) but it's been a great day. I was at a clients this afternoon and who but my daughter walks in with a giant "edible bouquet". Fantastic fruit. Next, I stopped in to the ballfield for my grandson's baseball game - he had a couple great hits and told me afterward that they were his special present to me! Then I got here to Sadlak's about 7pm and on my desk from all the guys is the most gigantic Mum I've seen in years. I'm the only female at Sadlak's so I somewhat of the mother hen/big sister to everyone - that translates into the one who cleans the bathroom. And to top all that off, I collected checks from 3 of the 4 clients I saw today. I have to get a shipment ready to go for tomorrow morning. A unit from Fort Richardson, AK called on Wednesday for spring guides (we were about 10 day away from being ready to ship) but they are being deployed, leaving on Wednesday for Iraq. So, we told them we would make it happen. Mike picked the spring guides up from the heat treaters at 5pm yesterday and he worked all night - literally - (I only stayed until 10) to get them inspected and straightened, where required, so they could be at the parkerizers for 7am this morning. The coater turned them around in one day as a special favor and Mike picked them up at 5 tonight. Now I'm getting them packed up so they can go out tomorrow morning. We're shipping them without our name engraved but once they are installed in the rifles, I'm sure the troops won't care who supplied them as long as they work. All in all, it's been another good day. Thank you all for your birthday wishes. I truly appreciate the bounty of your friendship.