Have you guys seen this?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by thermax, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. Lucky Johnson

    Lucky Johnson Monkey

    chelloveck and Sapper John like this.
  2. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    <embed src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:uma:video:cmt.com:92487/cp%7Eartist%3D500912%26vid%3D92487%26instance%3Dcmtnosynd%26uri%3Dmgid%3Auma%3Avideo%3Acmt.com%3A92487" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" base="." flashvars="" height="288" width="512">
  3. sgt peppersass

    sgt peppersass Monkey+

    not a whole lot bothers me, and i spent a lot of time in my day looking at crazy videos/accidents. but damn! that video made me cringe as soon as he took the gun off of his shoulder lol
  4. Pistolero

    Pistolero Monkey++

    I saw something simular once with a guy shooting off a large marine distress flare. He pulled the lanyard and it didnt go off. So he decided to look down the tube. Just as he did that the other guys around him including me yelled at him. Just as he pointed it back in the air it went off! One lucky dumb guy!!
  5. Just curious... why are dumb people so lucky? or is it just that the people with enough common sense don't put themselves in those situations?
  6. armysgt

    armysgt Guest


    Never underestimate the stupidity of a human.
    3 Rules of gun handling? I don't need no dang rules.
  7. enough

    enough Monkey++

    I was thinking of this last night when watching top shot. The one guy lost the ball out of a flintlock pistol. Without decocking or anything, he threw another ball in and started tamping it down. I was shocked they even showed that in the show without editting it out! I thought the guy was going to lose a hand like the guy on doomsday preppers.

    Yes, you can now see that I'm not too shy to admit that I watch some crap on the boob-toob. :)
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    The incident from "Top Shot" just goes to show that even some of the best Firearms Shooters, can become "UnSafe Shooter" when handling unfamiliar Firearms. They just do not have the specific Weapons Technology, and Safety Issues, well understood, and therefor make "Rookie" Mistakes, and Safety Lapses. Weapon Specific Training is required for ANY Weapon, and just because you happen to be a Expert in Modern Firearm Shooting, does NOT make you an Expert in ALL Firearms Technology. ..... YMMV.....
    oldawg likes this.
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