Here is a heavy duty camp knife i just finished up .CPM-154 stainless 12in. ol & 1/4 thick .The sheath is 7/8 leather and is weight hot dipped.It has a fire steel- sharping rod and a mini lite on the lanyard cord
I love the looks of this combo. Like Okie, I prefer carbon steel. Of course, I could change my mind on SS if you wanted to donate it for T&E (still trying!) (Seriously, this is one is the best one you've shared so far. Size, grind, finger grove- I like it all.)
He probably learned, like all knifemakers, that 90% of customers want stainless. I went to all stainless once I learned this, except for some D2. But CPM154 isn't just some stainless - it's a super steel that will perform very well. I'll take it for testing - love it!