This is my first post here. I have all sorts of questions, ill try to make it as painless as possible. About me: I live in Northern Canada in the middle of nowhere, its an hour drive to the nearest sign of civilization. In some ways its ideal for survival in other ways like the short growing season and extreme cold its not so good. I don't consider myself a 'hard core' survivalist but I think its reasonable to be prepared especially these days. I figure theres a good chance in my time trouble could happen and I would like to be ready for it.
Welcome.. I used to live about 10 mins from Canada. Looks just like the USA from over the bridge.. only your street lights are set up better than ours
Except even the waitresses in bars expect a tip.. every time. They were right to call their 1 dollar coin a loonie.. lol
Admit it...BTP and GrapeApe, you guys are Polar Bears in disguise! I've actualy seen BTP. He would give a polar bear pause...
Well, Only when I put on my winter Camo Outift.... and even then I appear more like the Pillsbury DoughBoy..... without the Hat...
Like...the fortune teller machine that Tom Hanks found was running on 220 volts when BTP used it. That kind of BIG?
No, he is Gozer the Gozarian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar<wbr>, Gozer the Traveler and Lord of the Sebouillia! CHOOSE. Choose and perish!