Hello from South Dakota

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Kavode, Apr 10, 2019.

  1. Kavode

    Kavode Monkey

    Bishop, the pheasant populations are making a slight rebound, but are still down overall compared to years past. I don't personally hunt birds, but know some fella's who do and may be willing to take someone out with them. Semper FI

    Yes sir, we have some good drifts right now and the wind is blowing it in still. South Dakota spring!!!

    The flooding hasn't affected us where we are. The ground is pretty saturated though all over. Now with this snowstorm, we have to get some warm, dry weather with a little wind to dry everything out again. Onions and Garlic are popping through, but the soil is way too cold still for much of anything. We usually don't start getting serious until the beginning of May and then hope we don't get hit with late winter storms. Then we pray for no hail all through the summer.
    Someday, I will hopefully be situated with a green house to start things. Where we are right now, the elevation is around 3200 feet. Where we will be moving to is right at 5000 feet, so it will be a bit different up there with the growing season. I plan on building raised beds and am thinking of building hoop houses.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2019
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