Hello everyone, I'm new here from Havana, Florida. I really like what I have seen with your forum!! Hope to make new friends! Sincerely, Huntress
Welcome to the Monkey tree. Interesting avatar. Nice skivies. Just what are you hunting? LOL. Inquiring minds want to know ....LOL . .
. , Good on ya! Seems like I feed the deer and turkey more than I eat them.... lol. as they are all around me out here in the woods. Good to have another Floridian on the board.
Feed them !!! Feed them ??? They pick and chose of my landscape plants and flowers and garden just what they want to eat. Some time hollering at them doesn't even scare them off. However, a 308 round into the ground between their legs and 1 foot shy of where they stand has the same effect as a cattle prod to a wet puckered a&&%($e.
Thank You for the big welcome to the forum,, I really like this site and I'm so happy to know there are alot of Florida people on here.. ( and all the others ) I hope to make alot of new friends.