
Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by shotgunner, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. shotgunner

    shotgunner Monkey+

    Hi guys and gals;

    I saw that I was getting some referral traffic to my website (thesharpenershop.com) so I came by and took a look. I thought I should join and be available for questions to the fine folks of survivalmonkey.com

    Since I have a 22 caliber airgun that can dot an eye at 50 yards along with 10,000 of the pellets it consumes best I guess I am getting ready for survival myself. I will have all the protein my family and friends can consume with this little powerhouse.

    I am sure there are tons more to learn.

    For instance, who uses Tulving for their bullion purchases? I have had a few terrific transactions with Hans. Who else is being used?

    Just wanted to say HI! and hope I have many news friends!
  2. Opinionated

    Opinionated Monkey+


    I'm one of those hits on thesharpenershop.com. Well, honestly; a few of them. I need a seriously idiot proof way to sharpen a recurved blade very very sharp.

    Welcome!! (y)
  3. shotgunner

    shotgunner Monkey+

    Thanks. I hope to make you equipped for just this purpose.

    PM sent

    scott solar
  4. sarawolf

    sarawolf Monkey+++

    So many things to learn here and so little time, welcome.
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