Help on back up heating and cooking tools please.

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by CANDY fISHER, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Give the man a Cee-Gar !
  2. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Bummer.... post #13 used to provide a link to a -4.basics.html thread and now it doesn't and now there's no mention of it as of today either. Is someone hiding a good thread "chalk full" of basic info on me. ;) Just kidding but... what happened please... did I click somewhere wrong and.... if there's another way for me read that thread I'd like to have a link to it if possible please.
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    And the hacksaw is for butchering them after the kill?

    Yeesh. I looked at that one initially without my specs ---
  4. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Nah....shortage of wall nails around here.....ahahahaa
  5. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    The thread/link as posted was erroneous. The mods are working to help me with the situation. Thank you all for your patience.
  6. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    That's ok.... no worries. Thank you for taking the time to explain. If you ever run across the information you believed would be useful to me.... please do let me know.
  7. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    As the blind monk on Kung Fu used to say: Patience, grasshopper. =)
  8. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    That walk-in freezer/refrig must have cost a pretty penny! I want one!!
  9. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Depends on your definition of "a pretty penny" I guess....

    I won't count the floor space in the room, since I was gonna build the room either way, but for the actual walk-in cooler:

    Door: used, 100 bucks off Craig's list

    4" of foam board for walls/ceiling, 14 sheet of 2" polyeurathane from roofing supply: 350 bucks

    Fiberglass wall board ( Lowes ) 7 sheet @30ea + some molding strips: 250bucks

    Used Samsung 12,000BTU window AC ( CL again ) 100bucks

    Coolbot AC controller 300 bucks.

    Misc screws/hooks in ceiling welded to some all thread run up thru some 6x8's mounted up in ceiling behind insulation/fiberglass: Maybe 50 bucks.

    Set of 4 stainless steel 1/2 x 10" meat hooks to hang from the hooks I welded to the all thread: 32 bucks

    <1200 bucks total. Less than the cost of a good, new fridge. And really, it will pay for itself in a few processing's of critters. I paid about 125 for a hog at the local slaughter house, and about twice that for a I figure in a couple years, I'm ahead of the game doing it at home PLUS I know I got "my" critter ......and all of it... ( You KNOW those guys never buy a lick of meat, right ? )....and it's cut, trimmed, and vacuum packed the way I want it.

    Nice thing about the cooler, it cuts out your weather if I want to kill a hog or beef in July, it's not a problem. Flip on the AC, and in 30 minutes, the room is 35 degrees.

    Hog halves hanging in the cooler:

  10. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Have any plans? I would love to build one especially at this cost!
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Don't forget the fly swatter and hacksaw in the budget --- [rofllmao]
  12. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member


    Nah, not really.

    I could have got the whole cooler for the price of the door, which consisted of 4" wall, ceiling, floor panels ( alum skin w/foam core ), but I couldn't figure anyway to configure the panels into the space I had to work with. I really DIDN'T want the cooler to take up more than the 7x7 space ( which finished out about 6x6' inside ) that I had allotted, and the cooler panels were 46" wide each. Probably could have cut them down, but I figured by the time I butchered them up, I might as well start from they were dinged and dented.....that cooler was "well" used. The door wasn't too bad in shape, and it came already mounted in a frame ( which would have interlocked with the panels)....I just stuck it in a 2x4 framed opening and ran some LONG screws thru the jamb/frame of the door to secure in the opening. Just made a more "pro" looked to the whole thing with that door, but if I hadn't found one, I would have made a wood door ( like I did for my root cellar ) out of red cedar with foam sandwiched in the center....would have worked fine. Only time I plan to use this thing is when I have meat to process, so it's only gonna get used a couple times/yr unless I start doing some for friends....don't really want to get into commercial work with it, not set up to do that.

    To build a walk-in is simple as just build a room, then insulate with at least 4" of foam ( the yellow polyeurathane is the best.....about twice the R value of the blue/pink styrofoam ), finish the inside with fiberglass panels ( I was gonna tile the whole inside, not just the floor, but the fiberglass was cheaper/easier ), and mount a window AC of the right BTU for the size room. Coolbot (google it ) has the size recommendation for the room size, and tips about building a walk-in if you're interested, and they sell the controller that overides the AC's thermostat which will normally shut off in the low 60 degree range.
  13. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    That's "insect abatement".....the saw is for the REALLY big ones......ahahaaaaa
  14. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Thank you, I guess I should have added this to my posting.
  15. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    How do I know what type of living conditions the OP lives in, for all I know the OP lives in an RV or an extremely small house. How do I know if the OP has any idea whether the burners are burning properly. Yeah, I could have expounded on the subject much more extensively than I did.
    Sorry, if you did not like the error of caution. (y)
  16. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    We should probably all have carbon monoxide detectors.... especially if we have newer furnaces that don't vent out a roof any longer.... yes... some newer furnaces vent out the sides of homes... I've seen them.... they're venting to the side of the house instead of to the roof which.... probably cut installation costs somewhere along the line. They're venting by the foundations of the house.... get oodles of snow with some decent sized drifts in the wrong place and.... vents and intakes can be blocked.
    As far as the original poster... for what it's worth she posted this a while ago...

  17. brotherscoobs

    brotherscoobs Monkey+


    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    OK I flipped when I saw that, Im off to look at getting one. I have access to lots of wood! just need to get more details on the venting as I have a fire place but the previous owners blocked it off. UGJ Im going to look into getting it unblocked!

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    I live in a very cold climate, and a 2 story home, Im a grand mother with 3 little ones all to care for by my self. I am new to all this and really do need sound advice so Im sorry if I was vague, im just learning :)
    I need to know so much about keeping warm, we get down to 40 below at night.

    CANDY fISHER Monkey+

    I can not find this but....... what do you think about this one? it loks about the same and since it can be bought I would like some input. Im still wondering how to go about using it, but do know I can get lots of wood so this is a great option.
    Kni-Co Manufacturing Inc, Wood Burning Camp Stoves and Sheepherder Products
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