here is a simple question for the single people here

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hank2222, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    so thats what 'content' is
    i partially agree with him, we are too set in our lives of ease
    and yes i have and do mostly live like that :p
  2. irayone

    irayone Monkey+

    I don't think it will play out like that....Lets just say the dollar crashes.....No food on the shelves. Those who did not prep are now looting and on the run as the "Horde"
    National guard, Fema Cops and blackwater troops will be at your door to take you to a FEMA Camp. I do not fear the horde. I fear government police. I feel that our government or the "New World Order" wants and is waiting for a collapse of some kind to put in place their plan. They will go to the small towns first. They will gas the big cities and say it's the plague. So when you see the first uniform....Run and hide. They will already have all the roads blocked. I see no way out. When Katrina hit the first people there were the blackwater troops keeping starving people from stealing a can of beans. It took days for red cross to get there.I am looking to move to another country. But I feel that The NWO is already there. I belive that all the governments are toppling around the world so the NWO can step in with there secret police and take over.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I've been mulling this thought 'It's just stuff, it can be replaced' over and over in my head.

    If it a true SHTF senario, no it can't be replaced, there will be no stores to restock, no hardware get replacement parts, no available fuel.

    My job as a software application developer is going to be we in a nutshell, fricking useless.

    So I'll be making due with what I've collected,saved or can do. Like welding, carpentry, mechanics, machining (tough w/o electricity to run lathe/mill though), understanding of physics, materials and mathematics actually come in handy for designing devices for mechanical advantage that actually don't break.

    I've spent the last 14 years developing my 2.5 acre property to support my family.
    Rock,sand and clay soil to soil that is high in organic material and as black as night.
    Canned homegrown vegetables.
    Put away supplies that i feel will be unavailable at any price come a supply chain ending disaster.
    planted trees for fruit,nuts, shade, wind break and shelter
    learned how to raise chicken,duck,turkey,geese and pheasant.
    learned how to raise pigs and goats.
    learned how to basically grow/raise plants and animals without antibiotics, hormones, chemical fertilizers nor insecticides. and still be productive. sure my yields are not as great as a chemical farm but I also am not reliant on agribusiness and their magic elixirs to have my farm feed me.

    And guess what, I'm not giving it away. It is for me, my friends and family because I had the foresight to include it in preparation for a future need.

    So if they want to take it from me, I'm not giving it up without a fight. I know this and the surrounding property intimately, where the choke points are (natural and designed), where the 'enemy' will take cover, where they will withdraw to during a skirmish and how they will retreat/advance. I've had a long time to think about it. Come to think about it, I have known the lay of this land and the surrounding 1+ square miles for over 40 years.

    So short of exploding ordinance taking my position is going to be expensive on all counts. And this is not wally world for the unprepared. Keep moving nothing to see here.
    BTPost, Falcon15 and Mountainman like this.
  4. Conagher

    Conagher Dark Custom Rider Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I disagree....they will not go to the small towns first as there are more small towns in the USA then there are big cities. Big cities having more concentration of people in them.... will require less man power for the geographical location to control the people. If they sent 30 people in to control a big city, they'd have to send in 10 for each small town. There are far more gun loving, freedom fighter Americans in smaller towns which would dispose of these NWO agents to maintain their freedoms.

    And with 4 wheel drive vehicles, I don't necessarily need a road to travel on either.
    Cephus likes this.
  5. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    The "NWO" will have their hands full with STATES like Alaska, Wyoming, Texas, Nevada, Idaho, New Mexico etc., let alone cities or towns. The East Coast would topple like dominoes, for the most part, as would Kommiefornia. Parts of Washington state would be seized immediately. If NWO goons were to but cross the Mississippi or the Rockies, going west or east, they will have a fight on their hands. If a blatant move occurred, one specifically identifiable as martial law or "invasion" Texas for one would slam the door shut. A lot of freedom, gun, and liberty-loving "outlaw" mentalities in Texas.
    Cephus and BTPost like this.
  6. ezbite

    ezbite 5miles from mosquito lake

    im single, stocked up, have no place else to go and im not strong enough to carry thousands of 7.62x51 rounds... im stayin'
  7. Radar00

    Radar00 Monkey+

    I'm not attached to anything in this world I realize now. Life and just my experience have taught me the more you hold onto the more likely it is to fall through your fingers.

    The military is onto something with the "adapt and overcome" and I also think that Bruce Lee was onto something with that "be like water" thing. That said, I think if I had a farm or ranch I'd be more inclined to be more protective of a BIL.

    I've been homeless before and on foot so I know the key is keeping it lightweight. I have no friends or family to protect or help so theres I think that preparing for anything is futile outside of just merely wanting to "survive" just for my own ego reason.

    If all goes to hell and I only have a knife and a piece of rope, I'm pretty sure I could manage just well as long as it wasn't the middle of winter in the mountains.

    Most likely I'm going to be one of those bugout people because theres tons of areas in the USA that you could get lost in for weeks and not see another soul
  8. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Bruce Lee may have been talking about the mirror and the lake of martial arts. Simplistically speaking, a mirror reflects everything it sees back to where it came from; friendship for friendship, violence for violence. No matter how violent anything enters a lake; it is absorbed and the lake soon returns to its tranquility.
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