Here we go again: Vaccines

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by UGRev, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Right...Isn't that expected? It's normal...Dilapidated health services got rebuilt again, and infant mortality normally drops...I don't quite see what you mean..
    Mortality was high until the war ended...That's normal...war, dying, dilapidated health services, lack of meds...mortality rises.
    War ends, health care recovers, mortality drops...For me, all natural, and as it should be...
    Am I missing something here?
  2. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    That's exactly what I was trying to say. With an increase in modern medicine, there is a decrease in infant mortality.

    The low 6% number is do to an increase in modern medicine. That was my point about 20 replies ago. I think I stated most every post.

    I am pretty much done with this thread. I believe we have taken it so far off course I can't hardly remember the original discussion. It sure was a long, fun ride.

    Just remember when you start to think modern medicine/ vaccines are the devil... I would much rather have a good doc today healing my typhoid fever than someone in the 1850s.
    (Disclaimer: The men that run the medical industry today may actually be the devil.)
  3. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    The thing is that I don't believe that modern medicine and especially not vaccines are responsible for low infant mortality. It's many factors, and the main two are quality of life (clean water, good food, good shelters, etc), and vaccines are actually the last on the list! If it wasn't like that, infant mortality would be low in all vaccine-receiving countries! Even worst African ones, because Bill Gates pumps them with vaccines. When the quality of life is low, so is natural immunity, and vaccines should actually stimulate natural immunity to fight the virus IF you come in contact with it.
    If you have strong immunity, even if you come in contact with a virus, you'll beat it, but if the immunity is weakened by starvation, exhaustion, pollution or whatever, giving a vaccine can actually cause the disease you are vaccinated against. Another problem is that doctors just don't care! Their job is not to try and cure the disease, but just remove the symptoms. Think about it! Any slight infectious disease is immediately treated with antibiotics...and treated so much that microbes are getting used to them and becoming resistant to the most used antibiotics. That means that BigPharma needs to find new, more expensive antibiotic and make more money. And how come they have vaccines for all viruses, they even had a vaccine for a virus that appeared a month earlier, and no AIDS vaccine yet? Where is AIDS spread the most?
    I know one thing...In Africa, they can pump the children full of vaccines and drugs, and they will still have highest mortality... it's not the medicine, it's water, food and's the quality of life...

    Enough about this...we'll battle again on some other topic... :D

  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yeah I hear you Al. Fair enough.

    And you guys both have good points. I am bored also.
  5. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Hold the phone on that one.
    I don't see a correlation between infant mortality and vaccinations.
    Not saying there is not some correlation, but the biggest factors in infant mortality are always pre-natal care and sanitation.

    Edit: I see bnmb made my point above. Sorry I missed it - didn't intend to steal his thunder.
  6. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    True. That is a factor. Among other things. Remember that infant mortality includes the death of children up to 1 year old. Not just newborns.

    Maybe a more appropriate population to look at is children 5 and younger? Maybe a bit older?

    Dang it Fort, I said I was done with this one. ;)
  7. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    LoL...We're never done!...we'll grow old and die on this thread!
    BTW...when do kids start with vaccines in US? Here its 1st grade primary...6-7 years old....

    HUH...actually, I'm also sick of this thread... crapola...:rolleyes:
  8. OzarkSaints

    OzarkSaints Monkey++

    not true at all really...(except for, I believe, 2 states)...I do understand of course why everyone thinks is because the schools blatantly lie to parents and tell them that they must do this.....I believe wholly and honestly that it is nothing short of dishonorable lying for the school to tell the parents that they're kids are required by state law to be vaccinated but intentionally do not disclose to the parents that state law ALSO requires that they completely and permanantly exempt any children from any and all vaccine requirements if the parents have a religious objection....especially when SCOTUS has ruled that it is unconstitutional to require the parents to quantify that exemption through either participation in, or affiliation with, a religious group or authority...and many states require by law that the school keeps exemption forms on hand at the school for the parents convienence

    ANYONE who lies to people in order to get them to give their children drugs is someone that I can not trust....seriously, how could anyone?

    ALL states recognize medical exemptions and 48 states recognize religious and/or philosophical exemptions and are required to do so by state law

    furthermore, the previously mentioned idea that all the poor third world countries with all the unhealthy populace have not been vaccinated is simply not the case....the WHO vaccinated the **** out of em...with things like the LIVE oral polio vaccine that even the mainstream western medical community recognizes GIVES people polio completely by itself and the inventor of the vaccine, who obviously has EVERY reason to lie and say it is a good vaccine admitted under oath back in the 70's that the vaccine was responsible for practically every American case of polio since 196x (don't recall exact date)

    many times new vaccines are given the A OK because they are proven in test studies that they cause absolutely no more side effects than the placebo but the placebos are not required to be sugar or water and have been actual licensed vaccines for the same disease themselves

    it takes a LOT of digging ( I assure ya from personal expierience) but if you are so inclined than go and look at the timeline when a lot of these diseases like polio actually had their biggest declination and then go look at when the vaccines became available to the general public!
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