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I guess it depends a bit on the local price of bacon. Awesome device, but 11kilobux buys a LOT of Oscar Mayer.
Yeah. The chances of a porker coming up the hill here is pretty low, too. However other fatties could try --
I want an AN PAS-13C(v)1 - I used all (1-2-3) on weapon systems, and the V1 is for the M4. Just a little too much $$$...
The only thing that looks like it would be even more fun would be to go hog hunting with an $11,000 thermal scope from the door of a helicopter... (It doesn't have to be a Hughes MD-500E, I'll take a ride on a Sweitzer 300 or R-22, I'm not pickey.)
I don't have enough bandwidth here at home (on satellite, and we have limits)... will try and watch it next time I'm in town. HOPEfully, this guy ate all 22 of the hogs he killed. It'd be a criminal waste of good food otherwise. Pretty much all of my pork comes from my back pasture, or my hunting lease. If we kill it, we eat it. Killing, and wasting meat... Bad Juju... someday they may rue the day they wasted good meat. I'd much rather have a silencer than a night scope.
Alright Texican. Yes, killing and not eating meat is a waste, IF the breed of animal would've been something like a deer, elk, bear, etc. Hogs are very much accepted to be a nuisance breed. I've known a farmer who planted around sixty acres of peanuts one afternoon to find that hogs had rooted them all up OVERNIGHT. Me and my brother find ourselves killing more hogs than we can eat or give to others and we receive nothing but thank you's from farmers who have fears of being in the same boat.
Amen! I've been following a hunting thread at sigarms556.com and those feral pigs are getting to be a huge problem. Not only do they destroy property, they're getting to be dangerous because of their disease transmittal and decimating other wildlife. Here's a link to a Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources article. There are many more like it from other locals. "Four litters of 4 to 12 piglets per year." That's starting at 6 months for a sow.
I generally take issue with killing and not utilizing the meat, but some nuisance animals like feral hogs need to be controlled.
When they are talking (when are they not?) the hot air should be picked up at 1000 meters. [rofllmao]