Homemade Cabin

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by sasquatch91, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    did you just burry it or did you cement them into the ground?
  2. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Ah ha, there in lies the rub.

    If you cement it, It's a permanent structure and requires a permit in my neighborhood.
    If it's not cemented, it is considered portable. Albeit I'm going to need a big azz forktruck or crane to move, but the structures that I've built have lifting points :D ... so they are portable structures.

  3. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    so lets say i put one on private land in the country, would you suggest cementing them or just digging to china and posting them that way?
  4. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Cementing would probably be best if you wanted to make this a permanent retreat/BOL.

    Or, dig well below frost line, compact base of hole, put down layer of gravel, compact again, insert post, pour gravel, and compact on your to filling up the hole. My fort I built 30+ yrs ago is still standing square in the woods at my grand parents homestead, and they get over 200" of snow per year.

    Your call. But hauling bags of cement into the woods is young mans work.
    chelloveck likes this.
  5. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Best way is the "put down layer of gravel, compact again, insert post, pour gravel, and compact on your to filling up the hole" , to use cement just makes a container around the post, this allows water to stay in contact and rot the post even treated post in short order.
  6. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    i have also heard of wrapping the post in tar paper .... never tried it
  7. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    use asphaltum... or roofing tar on the posts prior to installation and you will have less bug issues...
  8. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    LOL, I move houses and have a wee 4 rm cabin on the farm. Have a porch hauled in to raise and attach for the front/back and also an out building roof to build walls for. Have "zip" in the cabin but did have to pay the men a couple days wages on moving/setup.
  9. Gunny Highway

    Gunny Highway Hard Work and Sacrifice blessed by God's Grace

    Awesome pics - great thread
  10. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    yes the pic were great and very inspiring ...
    Does anyone else have any other pics of theres they could share?
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Any way to recover the pix that no longer show up?
    ditch witch likes this.
  12. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Well summabi.... I guess I'll have to find the batch of pics and upload them again. album is gone at photobucket.
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