Houston pd tests airborne survellance drone. tests closed to media... http://www.infowars.com/articles/bb/drone_planes_houston_pd_secretly_test_drone.htm time to bolt that quad .50 in the back of the pickup...
WHy do they insist on spending our tax dollars on crap like that? Or better stii, why do we let them get away with it?
It's drone season! Do they taste like duck? You had to mention the TTC. Don't get me started. You mess with me, you mess with the whole trailer park bud.
Once they get out of city limits, would be lots of fun for target practice!!! First thought, tracer rounds!!!
Guess I got that wrong what ever stuff youse guys use to make your targets "lively"...posted for entertainment purposes only!!! destroying "public" property is a crime!!
most of these drone are prop driven, be a real shame if your rc plane caught a 15 foot piece of gramdma's clothes line on its tail..OOPs,
That s where I heard "taconite" before its iron ore!!!Sniper6(er "66" sorry) gets "things I shouldve learned in high school for$100"(alex).. d'oh..well at last I cant get arrested for talking about filling an rc plane with iron bits...lol Do I look like I have "Stooopid" written all over my avatar?!
Drones are just a beginning. Think about the Casio watch you bought your kid and the gps in your cell phone? Browse a Sky-mall catalog and just look at the technology that we can buy just for junk gifts? Now think about the dedicated agenda of our keepers and what they are likely to have on the state-of-the-art developement end of our recreational spectrum?
blackwater is looking to build a blimp that can do something similar i think... http://www.blackwaterusa.com/airship/ http://content.hamptonroads.com/story.cfm?story=137425&ran=118008&tref=po