Sure bra' its all security camera, videostarts out in the back alley guy comes along climbs the back wall to get on the flat roof. guy falls off and rolls around in the alley, climbs again and dissappears outta view. camera view changes to an inside camera watching isle between two shelves. ceiling tiles fall to floor , the burglar falls head first to the floor, bottles fall off shelf on him...he can't break the door glass or pry the door open to escape, so he finds a ladder climbs to the top ( the "No step" step), he jumps up feet dissappearing back into the ceiling, lader is kicked over. half second later he crashes down on top of one of the shelves.. general 3 stooges stuff. Hope he opted for the thief health care plan .
It's stuff like this that really make me want to get cable internet again. Anytime I try to download videos I get knocked offline before they're done.
You forgot the one where he tried to throw a bottle at the camera and missed completely. That there's downright funny. The only thing that would have made it not funny, is if he had got away. Though I think he would have needed to call the National Guard to help him out with his heist, as he definitely wasn't professional.
Sumbitch was bullet proof .. falling headfirst through the drop ceiling???plus falling back side down on top of all those upright wine bottles, that had to hurt...