How to Convert DOC/DOCX to EPUB, PDF & MOBI

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by Qwertyportne, May 9, 2023.

  1. Qwertyportne

    Qwertyportne Monkey

    Most of the books uploaded to the Resource pages at Survival Monkey are in the PDF format. Some people, however, prefer to read a book on their KINDLE or EPUB reader. If you are the author of a book at the Resource forum, you might consider uploading your book in those e-reader formats as well as the PDF format. Below are ways to do that. The procedures assume your book was originally in either the DOC or DOCX format and that you converted it to the PDF format, then uploaded it to the Resource pages at SM.

    DOC or DOCX to PDF

    I don't use Microsoft Word but I assume it has the option to convert DOC or DOCX to PDF. If MSW does not have that option, or if your word processor does not have that option, use this FREE PDF CONVERTER [Best PDF Converter: Create, Convert PDF Files Online (FREE)] I use it because my word processor drops the links when it converts my DOC or DOCX book to PDF. My ZAP! [Zap -- a New Beginning for Survivors] novel, for example, has links to each chapter in the Table of Contents. If your word processor drops the links when it converts your book to PDF, I suggest you use the on-line converter mentioned above.

    DOC or DOCX to EPUB

    My word processor can convert DOC or DOCX to EPUB. If yours doesn't have that feature, use this on-line converter... DOC (WORD) to EPUB (Online & Free) — Convertio.


    My word processor cannot convert EPUB files to the Kindle (MOBI) format, so I use Amazon's free converter... Kindle Previewer: Kindle Store. Launch the previewer, click "Open a Book" then select the EPUB version of your book. When conversion is complete, make sure it looks okay, then select the "Export" option. The Previewer defaults to the KPF format. You want the MOBI version for the Resource pages at Survival Monkey. So, click the dropdown arrow to select the "Mobi" format, then choose the folder where you want the Kindle version of your book to reside.

    I've put this information in a thread so I can include your comments and suggestions before uploading the info to the Resource pages with a nice looking graphic... in all three formats of course! If you need help, PM me or email your book to me and I'll convert it for you.
  2. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Idahoser, Bandit99 and natshare like this.
  3. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    2nd the calibre recommendation. (y)

    Also, for reading most any format out there, I recommend a free program (for computers) or app (for mobile devices), name "FBreader" (Favorite Book reader). It's worked great for me, for years, now.:cool:
  4. Qwertyportne

    Qwertyportne Monkey

    Yeah, Calibre is a good tool for lots of things but not as easy as just going on-line and downloading your converted file. And Calibre will not convert DOC files. You must first convert DOC to DOCX. Thanks for the tip about FB Reader but some people prefer to read books on their Kindle, not on an App for an iphone, laptop or desktop. Is that how FB Reader works? Or can you somehow get it on a Kindle?
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Qwertyportne Yes, I am one of those guys that prefer reading on my Kindle. I don't buy or read paperbacks or hardbacks anymore unless they are a reference book then I find prefer paper. I use Calibre also, it's a wonderful program. PDFs are really handy for some things but not for book reading..
  6. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    Calibre is great and updates all the time
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