I’m Tired

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by RouteClearance, Nov 10, 2018.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @sec_monkey "@ the same time we would say hang in there"
    But...…why? That is the question, Sec. Why? Can you say in all honestly that things will improve and some sanity will come to our government and, as such, our country? You tell me "Yes" and why you think that way and I will shut my mouth and tend to my own knitting.

    "in many countries if ya make a post to a forum like this..."
    Bah! Yes, in a few countries that is the case but certainly not in the great majority. And, because I'm an American it does limit me to some countries (probably about 50%) as we are not well liked in the world (Geez, I wonder why?). But, believe me it is not as bad as most would make it and, yes, all will constantly try to take advantage of you in these places but that is the nature of the beast. And, why would I live in one of those countries where there are so many others...

    "in Europe plus several other countries taxes are at 90 to 96% or real close to that"
    Now that is just incorrect. I hear this again and again since I've been back but it is simply not true. Look it up. The last time I looked I think the worse was, all told, ~48% which honestly, when all is added, is probably no worse than ours. I truly think this is some Republican propaganda, probably ties right in with "We can't afford Health Care" but countries with much smaller GDPs than ours can and without 90% taxes so... Also, the Europeans get a hell'va a lot more for their taxes than we do. Think about it, 90%? How could they eat? The other great lie is concerning their medical care, "Yeah but they got to wait weeks for it..." Bullshit! Simple and pure 100% BS. What's the other one, "Why do all the Canadians come here for treatment?" It's because the damn doctors make a fortune here so, all the specialists come here for sure and many of the doctors because this is where the money is because unlike other governments which don't allow their citizens to be preyed upon, ours not only allows it but assists in it. Example? Medicine costs here vs. Medicine costs in other countries. Don't believe it? I didn't either until it hit me in the face. Look it up. Geez, peas, don't Americans ever asked themselves why they don't have any money?

    I am not saying it's rose gardens out there but in most ways, it's not worse than here, and some ways it's better and, yes, I admit, in some ways it is certainly better here. For example, the cost of food here is quite reasonable compared to most places, not talking about fruits and vegetables and canned goods but meat and even fish. We also can have guns here which some other countries allow too but most have much more strict regulation than ours. My point is this... Yes, this country is better for impoverish immigrates coming from shitholes but you and I are not impoverish nor ill educated nor immigrates from a shithole and we have reasonable expectations on 'Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness', which includes a high standard of living, true opportunity, limited government with reasonable taxation.

    Most immigrates come here under the old myths of 'Land of Opportunity' and 'Rivers of Gold' in America and they find out quickly it is different now, 'them were the old days' but it's still better here than the shithole, no contest. Yes, it is better here than say, Jamaica or Honduras or Ghana or etc. but when comparing Standard of Living with other first world countries we're nothing great and are rated mediocre on just about everything: medical, education, housing. Hell, my wife's friend, an Ukrainian immigrate here, has an exchange student from Kazakhstan and I had a long talk with her this morning. She goes to a Christian private school here, it's the best in the area and in her own words, "It's certainly not as difficult as our schools..." and she was comparing Kazakhstan's public school to a Christian private school here! And, no, she is no Wunderkind.

    My point here isn't that America is not better than shithole countries, that's apples and oranges and the argument the propaganda always gives. Apples vs. apples, first-world vs. first world for standard of living, education, health care, things that truly tell a people what they get for their taxation, how well their government is working for them. We got the best military in the world! Whoop-Di-Do. I am glad. Seriously, I mean it! Now, how does that feed me? And, why do we have a doctor shortage? How do I pay for that $225 doctor visit and the $225+ for lab work? Why can truck loads of immigrants even conceive of simply forcing their way across our borders? Why do I have to go to Canada where it's ~5X cheaper to purchase my medicine? What the hell exactly does my government do for me - John Doe citizen - to improve my life anymore? And, the big question...Why can't I trust, respect and more importantly, why do I fear my own government?

    EDIT: All,
    Sorry, as I'm in a pissy mood. I am really upset at the outcome of these elections and more upset because most of the people I know didn't even bother to vote because it was simply a mid-term. So, now I know, my niece will not be joining us because the Immigration laws will never be changed, certainly not in the next 2 years. She will have to rely on the Lottery System which she plays every year but no-joy. So, yeah, I am pissed because now if we want to be a family again we will have to move back to Central Asia where there is a lot a things I like but more I don't like and besides, I do like being back in my own country where I am not a foreigner and back in civilization. And, yes, while I do bitch a lot about the country and many things angers me, I still do love her and like being back. Hell, my wife got her citizenship this passed May so, we'll see... Who knows maybe God will help the niece draw a lucky ticket.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2018
  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Yeah,But your like a duck in the water...It just rolls off!
    chelloveck and sec_monkey like this.
  3. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    Free thought is not acceptable anymore and that is sad
  1. hot diggity
  2. Waydah
  3. BTPost
  4. Bishop
  5. Bandit99
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