I fought for you

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by tacmotusn, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    I agree, but some did die in vain. At the hands of an enemy that did not in one way shape or form prevent me in any way from losing my freedoms in this country.

    My comments are not against the service members, but against the fat cats that send them out to waste their lives and futures, over false bravado and money. The Alphabet agencies that failed to protect us from criminal activity that led to them being put into harms way. The very same agencies that have been embolden by the "patriot act"

    Some were forced into service, some volunteered. It's a tough job, and sometimes a thankless job. Lives are made and destroyed, changed forever for the better or worse.

    So Americans should thank these Americans today, for a good job.

    But should they not also question the righteousness of what they are doing? The motives behind it? Their actions during it?
  2. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you didn't lose any freedoms because we did fight back after 9-11? So, did they really die in vain?

    If your comments are aimed towards the powers that be, then aim them there. To tell a bunch of veterans what they were fighting for probably isn't the right statement. I don't think you are in any position to tell someone what is and isn't a waste of life, future, or other. Raise that right hand you begin to earn that right IMHO. I still don't know why domestic legislature is still coming up. I already stated that I couldn't agree more.

    WTH are you talking about. We are an all-volunteer force. Everyone that takes an oath knows what the job might entail. It's not a job to be taken lightly. I mostly agree with the rest- tough, thankless, and sh*t happens.

    I couldn't agree more. It's the job of the people to question the decisions of the elected leadership. That keeps them in check. What I don't like, is your chosen method to express that.

    If I was hearing the same rhetoric from someone that had served in OEF or OIF, I wouldn't respond as I have here- they've earned it. To hear it from someone who never went there and really has no idea who the enemy even is just really gets me riled up.
  3. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you didn't lose any freedoms because we did fight back after 9-11?

    Read more: http://www.survivalmonkey.com/forum/freedom-liberty/23037-i-fought-you-3.html#ixzz151ETHJDP

    We lost freedoms and we did fight back.

    You are trying to make it about respecting veterans.

    Which it is not about.

    I'm sorry you cannot fathom the reality that not all veterans are fighting for freedom or ME or you even. And not all wars, police actions, whatever, were for preserving liberty in the USA. And that since 9/11 we have lost personal freedoms.

    If I was hearing the same rhetoric from some civilian, I'd give um a high five and buy them a beer. As you aren't one, then your words are crap and don't matter and make me upset.
  4. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    It is exactly about veterans. You need to look at post #1 again.

    EVERY veterans took an oath to defend the Constitution of the US... that IS fighting for YOU. This conflict was about preserving liberty... the liberty of more than 2500 people was taken away. We went to war to preserve YOURS and everyone else still alive.

    As you were not personally affected by 9-11, have never looked into the eyes that hate you, and can only speculate as to what happens in OIF or OEF, you can sit at your keyboard in relative comfort and judge that which you haven't a clue. When you use words like "waste" and "question their actions", you poke the eye of every soldier that did his/her duty.

    And here we are into domestic politics... again.

    ETA-Here is the original post for those that have forgotten:
    This thing got way off course when SC posted how he couldn't see how the men in the theater were fighting for his freedom. My last and final response is this- ignoring the fact that some of those men in that theater fought in wars prior to Islam, every veteran swore the oath. Every veteran upholds that oath whenever and whatever they are doing. If you want to second guess Dubya or the politics of the elected leadership, knock yourself out. I just don't think this is the thread for it. It's quite disrespectful.

    Happy Veteran's Day to you Monkeys that answered the call. I guess I will take my grouchy veteran A** back to the VFW to drink with souls that get it.
  5. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    I'll save ya a stool... and buy the first round.
  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I don't believe there are any Monkeys here that would disrespect our veterans or current military. And I know SC personally and don't believe that was his intent either.

    I believe that the misconception here lies in the perception of individual or collective. I believe that all of our brave military men and women, throughout history, have gone to war for valiant personal reasons. They go to fight for God, Country, thier fellow soldiers and the freedoms of all their fellow countrymen. And that sacrifice, that devotion should be held in the highest regard, the deepest reverance, the most grateful hearts.

    But what many are uncomfortable with, and find disturbing, is the use of our brave men and women in service to fulfill corporate and political goals, while wrapping it all in the flag and calling it patriotism.

    I think Major General Smedly Butler described it best when he wrote in his memoirs;

    In his book " War is a Racket" Major General Smedly Butler writes;

    "War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majoriity of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benifit of the few, at the expense of the masses."

    " The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6% over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100%. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag."

    " I spent 33 years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the United States Marine Corps. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for big business, for Wall Street, and for Bankers."

    I don't feel that this assesment demeans the brave soldiers who fought and died with him during that long career one bit. They fought and died for their own reasons and deserve our nations highest respect and honor.

    You fought for me, and I am humbled and eternally grateful to all who did.

    But that doesn't change the fact that while you were off doing your duty, honorably serving your country, the same govt. that sent you over there to fight for our freedom, was stealthily stripping that very freedom from us here at home. Civil rights, garanteed by our Constitution, taken for granted for over 200 years were stripped and denied us in the name of securing freedom.

    So I think we should end this discussion with just a simple heartfelt thank you to all of our veterans. No matter what the collective, underlying reasons were, YOU fought for me and I am humbly and truly grateful.
  7. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Agreed. I wasn't even that taken by SC's response because either. What really got me going in this thread was the use of words like "waste" to describe our veteran's lives, futures, etc....
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