Looking for some good reads. I am still pretty new. Currently have Ruger p95 and little amo. 300 pounds of rice stored in food grade buckets. 100 pounds of rice I haven't stored officially yet. 300 can goods in large variety. Some tools. Crank weather radio,light etc combo. Crank lantern. No communication stuff yet. Already finding tons of great info here but maybe something's in a nice order as a book would help me get to the next level. There is so much I still don't know. Btw, married with two little boys. Thanks for any recommends! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't have a recomendation for 1 book that will meet all your needs. We have the start of a list over here: that may help. Best thing would be for you to post here and ask questions. http://www.survivalmonkey.com/threa...uired-reading-fiction-guides-beginners.22546/
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_tc_s...structured-results-2&qid=1337492157&sr=1-2-tc Here's free/cheap kindle books. I've found some good ones on raising chickens, homemade dog food/treats, preserving foods, etc. That reminds me, need to update my kindle(I got the PC version til I get new job and first paycheck is going to get me a Kindle Fire).