Incidence of Parkinson's in G.I..'s who served in Korea.

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by Marvin L. Steinhagen, Aug 12, 2021.

  1. I have posted before that I have Parkinson's disease (P.D.). I recently found out that my sister's brother-in-law also has it. He served as an M.P. in Korea about 1968-1972, exactly where I never heard. . Has anyone heard anything about the incidence of P.D. in GIs that served in Korea?
    There is a history of P.D. in his family, his mother and his mother's father.
    What is the incidence of P.D. in the general population in Cambodia-Laos-Viet Nam area? Don't recall anyone raising that subject.
  2. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    exact cause unknown

    risk factors include

    • genetics
    • certain pesticides
    • head injuries

    folks that were in Cambodia-Laos-Viet Nam during the war may have been exposed to pesticides

    [dunno][dunno] about folks in Korea

    PD was described in detail by an English Doctor in 1817 long before modern day pesticides existed. Prior to the invention of modern pesticides the major risk factors would have been genetics, environmental causes that are *not* related to modern pesticides and head injuries.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    There has been some research done with regards to Korean vets serving in Vietnam...

    VA site indicates that Parkinson's may be a claimable ilness for Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange (and possibly other herbicides) YMMV

    Parkinson's Disease and Agent Orange - Public Health

    For Veterans and Family - Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Centers

    VA Disability Compensation for Veterans with Parkinson’s | APDA

    A sampling of resources for vets with Parkinson's disease ralated to their military service.
    Resources for Veterans with Parkinson’s Disease

    Veterans Benefits

    How to Win Disability Benefits with Parkinson’s Disease

    How MJFF Advocates for the 80,000 U.S. Veterans with Parkinson’s Disease

    How does the VA rate Veterans Parkinson's Disease?
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2021
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