Interview with Scott Ritter regarding Ukraine War

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Mar 19, 2023.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I wanted to bring this video to the attention of all of you as it is extremely well done. In fact, it's not really an interview but more of a real expert, with excellent credentials, and without an ax to grind, simply talking about the Ukraine war. If you don't know who Scott Ritter is, then take a moment and look him up. I realize it is long and most of you will not watch it; nevertheless, I felt I had to do my bit and ensure you are given the chance.

    I dislike the title as it really doesn't go along with the interview and is more to capture viewer attention. However, what Ritter says is definitely not good news...

    Most know, that I am the minority here (a minority of 1 LOL!) that agree with supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia. I think it is what America does, helps friendly nations when they are attacked by stronger aggressors, and we solidified that position by signing the Budapest Accords getting the Ukrainians to give up their nuclear arsenal. However, I find myself agreeing with Ritter almost 100% because we are being lied to...yet again.

    I believe most Americans are against the war simply because we are dumping money, which we don't have, into it. While I agree, I don't think we have a choice since we agreed to help them in exchange for their nukes and, yes, morally I believe it is the right course of action. Personally, I am against sending any taxpayer money anywhere for anything because it is not in the Constitution...I never could understand how they can do this legally (as if that matters). What I am completely against is sending money that is not being accounted for to the Ukraine! That is pure insanity and, of course, is exactly why this corrupt administration loves this arrangement.

    Ritter points out the continuing lies the Biden administration tells while given logical reasoning and fact to prove his point. For example, the sanctions are hurting Russia. In fact, they are not. Russia's economy is thriving. Personally, I know this as a fact as the wife's family members keeps us informed. There are no shortages and while many products are missing, they have been replaced by Chinese products so things like mechanical parts are not the same quality and/or require more maintenance, no long-lasting negative effects have been felt. Sanctions simply are not working...except against the West.

    Another example is the downing of the drone. As soon as I heard about it, I knew. The USA was gathering intelligence, which is common knowledge they feed to the Ukraine forces (BTW some consider this an act of war) and were in an area Russia has stated to be an Exclusion Zone due to military activity; however, the USA doesn't recognize it because it's outside the Crimea which they consider Ukraine territory which is occupied by Russian force. So, can one really blame the Russians for downing it? If the roles were reverse, would we not down it?

    The constant talk of Russian military equipment shortages. We cannot provide adequate artillery shells while the Russian defense industry is fully mobilizing, getting stronger every day. Yes, they currently have shortages, but those shortages are being addressed by their increase in production daily.

    Yes, I understand the 'first casualty of war is truth' but the biggest take away from this interview is can we believe anything Biden and his cabal of crooks are saying about the Ukraine war? I think not.

    I don't blame the Ukraine President, Zelenskyy, as his country is fighting for its life and he has had to make some really tough decisions like closing some churches which were pro-Russian (for those that don't know, Ukraine separated from the Russian Orthodox church/religion becoming their own religion and no longer recognizing the Russian Orthodox hierarchy). Hell, we threw Japanese Americans in concentrations camps and more when we were fighting for our lives.

    Anyway, this is really worth a listen... I believe this war will be over, one way or another, this Spring/Summer.

    Scott Ritter: Ukraine JUST Made A FATAL MISTAKE - YouTube
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Here is another very good video inside Ukraine!
    Dunerunner likes this.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Rational explanation of a difficult subject. Once national goals get involved, morality flies out of the window. Bombing Germany and Japan during WW2 was ok, relocating children out of a war zone is a crime against humanity. At this point in the game I have no idea of who is right or what the outcome will be. We and the Ukraine are paying a very high price for a color revolution and it may go much higher. Biden has not done well and his handlers seem to be getting ever deeper in the quicksand on all fronts.
    Gator 45/70, Bandit99, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  4. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Thank you for your take in this, Bandit. I will give it a watch. It sounds like your position is perfectly rational.
    Some of the stuff that bothers me and makes me suspicious:
    Ukraine’s military spending from 2014 on was about $5B per year. Russia spends about $50B per year. They have been at war in the Donbas all that time, and never increased it to fight off Russia. Why should Joe USA Sixpack have to help them catch up on what they should have buying for themselves?
  5. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    When I first found out who was supporting Ukraine (Soros, WEF etc) I knew they were the bad guys, then I found out that the US was the one that started the whole thing in 2014. Now we are actively involved with CIA, SF types on the ground and spending billions supplying them with stuff. From my point of view we are definitely not the good guys here. Ritter is absolutely correct in his viewpoint and he has made a lot of really good videos. Hopefully this war will be over before someone in the Pentagon does something really stupid.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Here's the deal, the U.S and European leadership royally fucked the Ukraine after the Fall of the Soviet Union! Look at that history, We basically tossed a live grenade into that country, pulled the pin, and opened them up for this! Putin wants the Ukraine for it's wealth and manufacturing capabilities, it has nothing at all to do with "Ethnicity" of which he continues to preach! There are two very different groups living in Ukraine, Slavic and Prussian, and for centuries, they have fought each other, but ultimately, learned to live together in peace, until now! Putin is a thug, a neighborhood bully who is trying to build his empire into what it once was, forgetting that his beloved communalism ideals are a dismal failure! Meanwhile, the U.S. played puppet master wit the Ukrainian government and screwed it all up, setting Ukraine up for what was to come!

    I AM Ukrainia, as is my Wife and her family, both from the outer Dombras Oblasts areas, mostly near the modern city of Kharkov, We are both Slavic Ukrainia, with a touch of Prussian/German/Polish in the mix for flavor! LOL
    We both speak with friends and family still living there and fighting/surviving, and the MSM isn't telling any of the truth, nor is the U.S. Gov. instead, they have their scripted "Putin is Bad" spiel, and Poor Ukraine, lets send billions in weapons and aid, while NOT sending much needed help! Again, the U.S and Europe have created this by trying to force Ukraine into western European ways of thinking/doing, and instead of guiding them on a new future, our Politicians profited greatly on broken promises, no wonder Zelinski is so pissed, as was he predecessor, and we have Hunter and "The Big Guy" as well as Kiliton, Obummer, Gore, and Kerry, as well as many many others to blame for this!

    The U.S Should have sent business leaders and smaller politicians into the Ukraine to slowly help them convert from the old Soviet ways to the modern Western Ways, you welcome them and slowly guide them in a manor they can see for themselves, but instead, we went all scorched earth nation building on them, (See the names above) and left them high and dry when it came time for keeping promises! Then there is the whole Give up their Nukes and other strategic weapons, with the promis of aid should Putin strike, and guess what, when it came time for NATO membership, everyone, especially the Pedo in Chief turned their backs and is now playing a proxy war with Ukrainia Lives! All that blood in on those named above, and there should be a reckoning, but we all know those elites are above such things!
    Cruisin Sloth and duane like this.
  7. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    [biggrouphug] [biggrouphug] @Bandit99 @Ura-Ki all yall

    .. .. Lucy n trunk monkey did knot vote fer alleged sex offenders Alpha, Bravo or Charlie .. ..

    .. .. we [ da US n da West ] should honor da Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances uv 1994 .. .. we support da original agreement .. ..

    Budapest Memorandum - Wikipedia [ wiki ]

    .. .. Lucy n trunk monkey know who Scott Ritter is, he wus a weapons inspekter n is a convicted sex offender .. ..

    .. .. we dont support alleged sex offenders brandon, vald, tucker or oders .. .. n we dont support convicted sex offender Ritter .. .. n we dont support alleged idzit MacGregor .. ..
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  8. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Who is the we you’re referring to?
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @CraftyMofo "Ukraine’s military spending from 2014 on was about $5B per year. Russia spends about $50B per year. They have been at war in the Donbas all that time, and never increased it to fight off Russia. Why should Joe USA Sixpack have to help them catch up on what they should have buying for themselves?"
    I think the reasonable answer to your question is the war accelerated with the invasion. Their military wasn't near the size it is now. They got 2.8 million just in reserves now! Also, until the new natural gas fields, 3 of them, all extremely huge, were found in 2012 their funding was extremely limited. They found so much gas that they would have become a direct competitor with Russia. I am thinking Europe would have preferred to purchase gas from Ukraine rather Russia which I would bet weighted the scales for Putin to invade. BTW 2 of those fields are now controlled by Russia. The largest, in Donbas, has had Russian troops since 2014. Coincidence?

    @apache235 "I knew they were the bad guys, then I found out that the US was the one that started the whole thing in 2014."
    I honestly cannot figure out who started this and I have certainly tried; however, we all would be naive to believe that both, Russia and the USA, didn't try their utmost to influence the Ukraine to side with East or West. Personally, I like to give the Ukraine the benefit of doubt and think it was their people that pushed for the West. Let's face it, the Ukrainians have never got a fair deal from Russia throughout history. Hell, Russia gave them the Crimean in 1954 because it was logical to do so but now they say, "No! That was a mistake! We're taken it back!" Is it because of the natural gas reserves found there since Putin uses energy as a weapon? Or, perhaps because of the large naval port in Sevastopol? Or, both? But, for whatever reason, Russia changed its mind and that is supposed to make it okay and if not - 'might makes right'.

    @Ura-Ki Sadly, I have to agree with much you said. Nothing truly adds up unless one believes that the Ukraine truly thought: 1. The signing of the Budapest Accords truly would protect them as the UK and USA would come to their aid. 2. The carrot of NATO membership was dangled to them. Frankly, I think NATO membership by these smaller countries (Baltic states, Romania, etc.) even the Ukraine has been proven to be a necessity by Russia's invasion of the Ukraine. Putin couldn't get what he wanted by hook or crook so went to the sword, the old Soviet method of 'might makes right.' Putin plays the victim but in the nuclear world he knows Ukraine's turn to the West posed no danger to Russia geographically; however, their Natural Gas would break his hold on Western Europe and why lease Sevastopol when he could have it. I truly believe there is a connection there. I believe, if the USA would have stepped up sooner, and placed even 500 troops there as advisors, like those Russian soldiers in Donbas, then Russia would never have attacked the Ukraine because by doing so would mean attacking the US and NATO but that's all water under the bridge now...

    @sec_monkey "...he wus a weapons inspekter n is a convicted sex offender"
    Well, knock me over with a feather. He is indeed a sex offender. No, you do not have to respect, support, or even like Ritter but that doesn't change what he said and what he said is sound so we should still consider it.
    sec_monkey likes this.
  10. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Well Brother, there is no single person or event we can point to, BUT:
    I firmly place the blame on Biden/Kerry/Klinton for the actual groundwork that lead to this situation! Kerry specifically went to Ukraine and "Negotiated" a whole bunch of highly personal profitable deals and made all sorts of promises and all the while, he was bilking them of millions. Klinton went in with the plan to secure gas and oil and ship building for the west, using Ukraine labor and resources to then sell to the west while keeping the lions share of profits,.......... and finally Biden, peddling power and access, ultimately to Obummer, who had a very keen eye toward control of a "Puppet Governance" that they could control, all to the benefit of those few elites! It all went to hell when the Ukraine kept it's end of those bargains, and the politicians in the States turned their backs on them in support of their European Allies, mainly Germany and England and their lust and need of gas and oil! The whole geo-politican situation is insane, what should have been a fairly simple deal turned into a clusterfuck that could only encourage Putin to jump in with both feet!
    Bandit99 likes this.
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Oh, I'm definitely sure that lot of crooks (Biden/Kerry/Klinton) plus the current batch have a huge slice of the responsibility for the situation but, honestly, I have tried to put it all together and I can't. It is too complex and, of course, we don't know the entire story so have to 'assume' a large portion of it. The thing is...those new gas deposits (3 of them) should/could have been a very bright future for Ukraine. Plus, given security to Western European NATO members but now... I doubt they will get two of them back, unless a miracle occurs.

    It's such a shame...It will take a full generation for Ukraine to get back to normal even if the war stopped tomorrow. Ukraine had everything necessary to become a great nation, really great, but now... And, if the Russia wins now...they will be lucky to keep their lives after what has happened. My God, the boot will come down so hard that they might be better off dead! Is there any wonder why they fight so hard. It sickens me...
    Ura-Ki and sec_monkey like this.
  12. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Russia signed the Budapest agreement with the assurance that they would not have nuclear weapons on thier border and that Ukraine would not become a NATO country. An agreement the former government of Ukraine honored and upheld. After the CIA orchestrated the overthrow of that government and installed thier puppet Zylensky Ukraine demands entry into NATO or they will again regain nuclear weapons.
    This is the same strategy they used to do everything but hold the door open for Saddam Hussien to invade Kuwait. It's all a chess game to achieve the aims and ambitions of the war hawks in the Western powers.
    And the same fools who were rah rah rah to go into Iraq are now the cheerleaders for this war. They fall for the same tired fairy tale of the big bad dictator and the valiant struggle of the oppressed people fighting for thier freedom.
    People are so easily manipulated.
    Ura-Ki and CraftyMofo like this.
  13. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    .. .. da rooskies violated da agreement first [ Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances uv 1994 ] .. .. derefore Ukraine can build nukes .. .. yall happy now? .. ..
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  14. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Why don’t we just give them ours?
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  15. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I'm pretty sure Ukraine held back a few sneakers, just in case! Weather or not they ever see the light of day is the real question! Things would have to get pretty dire for that to happen, and there would be Zero warning ahead of time, so we all find out at the same time! Ukraine will never surrender, it's simply not in our blood, it would be a repeated of what went down with Japan at the end of WW-II, Russia would have to kill most of the population of and then threaten the rest for them to surrender, and for Russia to go that far, it ain't likely the west would allow it!

    For those who have never seen Ukraine with their own eyes, picture Paris only much nicer and much larger, it's nearly spotless, it dosnt stink, and there is art and beauty everywhere, and the best part, everyone is so damn friendly and fun to be around, dosnt matter if your a foreigner or local, it's a genuine feeling. I used to pretend I didn't speak the language fluently, and would walk up to strangers and ask questions, every single person went out of their way to try and help, they laughed and encouraged me to keep trying. I would then thank them in perfect Ukraine like I was from Kyyiv! There are poor areas, and there are folks living in the streets, strung out on drugs, but it's nothing like you see anywhere else!
  16. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Minuteman "Russia signed the Budapest agreement with the assurance that they would not have nuclear weapons on thier border and that Ukraine would not become a NATO country."
    I read the accord and I saw nothing about stating Ukraine would or would not become a NATO member. I will read it again, but I remember seeing nothing about it. A while back, I spent a morning trying to find anything in writing denying Ukraine's entry into NATO and could not. Of course, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but I couldn't find it. All I could find was perhaps, a gentleman's agreement, a verbal agreement behind close doors, which isn't worth anything, and it was never actually stated to the public. Anyway, I am open to it should someone find something, someplace that documents this argument. I simply cannot.

    I do not think Ukraine has the resources and perhaps not even the knowledge now given the war and the destruction of their facilities to build and care for nuclear weapons. I also don't think it would be a good idea to give them nukes for the simple reason they will use them, causing Russia to retaliate and then who knows where it will go from there. However, yes, they have every right now to disregard the Budapest Agreement and sadly, if they would not have signed this accord and kept their nukes this would never have happened to them.

    @Ura-Ki 'Russia would have to kill most of the population of and then threaten the rest for them to surrender, and for Russia to go that far, it ain't likely the west would allow it!'
    My first meeting of Ukrainians was in Bosnia, guess it was around 1995. Their soldiers were actually trying to help the situation and were totally, 100% different from the Russians, also there, which in truth were nothing but problems. I got along well with the Ukrainian soldiers, very well, not at all with the Russians. To be more specific, I have found I get along well with ethnic Russians not born and raised in Russia. They are completely different from real Russians. The majority of real Russians are rude and looked down their noses at most other nationalities, and no, it's not that they are simply direct. In general, they know exactly what they are saying and doing as they are international as you or I.

    My first real initiation to this is when we traveled to Southern Siberia (2007, flew into Krasnoyarsk, 8-hour train from there) with the wife to meet her half-brother and I found, much to my shock, that at some restaurants they gave us very poor service because my wife is from Central Asia, and they knew this from her accent. To be clear, she is 50% Russian and 50% Ukrainian, red hair, blue eyes. I thought it was me, being American, but later found out the truth, even at the bazaar (open air markets) people would talk down to her. Pissed me off horribly. Gosh, I could go on and on about that trip, how the cops jumped us coming into the country, totally harassing and outright insulting us for hours, I suppose trying to get money out of us. I just wanted to get back on the place and get out of their damn country but they finally let us go.

    Anyway, this was long ago, and I have found that the younger Russians, having more access to the international community via travel, internet and films are more and more accepting of different cultures and their values are in line with the rest of the world. Why? Because they truly want to be part of the world, part of the international community. The older Soviet era generation, not so much. In fact, they miss the days of Soviet power, still believe they should rule and dream of a return to the old days where 'might makes right' and they are respected for their might. I know, sounds nutty but, unfortunately, these are the people still in charge.

    The problem as I see it is you will never get the Russian leadership to stop the fighting and leave the Ukraine for the obvious reasons:
    1. It would mean that they are not the power of old and their dream of a return to superpower status is a lie.
    2. It would mean the downfall of Putin for what can he show for the horrible causalities.
    3. Basically, it would undermine their nationalism and their self-respect because their strength is a lie.

    On the other hand, the Ukrainians cannot surrender for it has gone way too far. The Ukrainians know full well the full extent of Russian cruelty which they will face should they surrender now. Think I am joking or maybe dramatizing it? I assure you I am not, even my wife now agrees that the Ukrainians should never surrender for to do so would mean savagery that hasn't happened since WW2 as the Russians will believe they're fully justified in rape, murder and destruction and the following years will be nothing but degradation and misery for those that survive. Basically, slavery.

    So, yeah, I agree with Ura-ki. The Russians will kill a majority of the population, mainly men, and those that are not killed will indeed go away never to be seen again - maybe a Siberian gulag, who knows...

    The Soviet mind, which is the mindset we are dealing with here, is practical, realistic, and solves problems in that manner, 'might makes right'. I think Stalin said something like, "no man, no problem." I also point out, the Russians caused mass famine killing millions before in the Ukraine. Russia still has not admitted this, placing the blame, like the Katyn massacre (Poland) and all the other atrocities, simply on Stalin but someone carried out those orders.
    sec_monkey and Ura-Ki like this.
  17. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    You're correct that it was not a part of the Budapest agreement (no NATO membership and no nukes). That was the carrot to get Russia to sign onto it.
    My point was that after the legitimate government was overthrown, allegedly by our CIA, that Zylensky started making statements like the one I posted threatening to join NATO and to aquire nuclear weapons. Whether that would ever materialize or not doesn't matter. I am not a Russian sympathizer, supporter or shill, but I will point out that there were a lot of provocations and a lot of extenuating circumstances to prompt them to send in troops. Just as we did with Saddam Hussien. And all the rah rah rah cheerleaders never mention that or the fact that the Ukraine govt was waging a war of genocide against the ethnic Russian population in the Eastern region.
    That's why I say that they promote this fairy tale of an evil empire, the evil Vlad that just woke up one day and decided to invade a peaceful country for no reason except to rape thier women and eat thier babies.
    Anyone who can be swayed by nonsense like that are brain dead sheep that lack any ability to think for themselves.
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Minuteman The Ukrainian ambassador made that statement in 15 April 2021. In hindsight, given the Russian invaded Donbas (and another place, can't remember) and the Crimean in March 2014 - well - he was correct to not only suggest reversing their non-nuclear policy but also in demanding NATO membership because the Russians invaded on 24 February 2022 proving without a doubt, he was indeed correct. In fact, I would go so far to say, that if they were allow membership there would be no damn war in the Ukraine. Putin would have been hamstrung and while he would have been piss off it would be nothing like it is now for we are in a full blow cold war with Russia. This isn't over no matter what happens in the Ukraine.

    Yes, you can bet your last nickel the CIA was up to its neck in the Ukraine just like the Russian FSB was, both playing the "great game', trying to influence Ukraine for their own gain. But... We are now a full year into this war, and it doesn't matter a spit who started it or how it started. It really doesn't. As an American, what matters to me is do we continue to hold up our end of the Accords we signed for if we don't - then - its game over for them and we're simply throwing them into death and slavery. It's that simple for me. No, I do not like the fact the position we're in but here we are. No, I do not like how we got here, but again, here we are, and we have in our hands the lives and future of those people, literally. That is a fact. Russia will not forgive them, no way in hell. They live and die, free or slave by our decision.

    Putin decided to invade because he couldn't influence the people nor the election the way he wanted, CIA won, FSB loss. He couldn't buy the Ukraine president/government so when all else failed he invaded. He thought the West would back down or it would be a fait accompli before they could react because he would be through the Ukraine like crap through a goose. The problem was the Ukraine held on long enough for the West to come to their aid. There is a lot to be gain for Putin in the Ukraine, those huge finds of natural gas which could undo his stranglehold on Western Europe and a huge naval base in the Crimean, Sevastopol, the largest in the Black Sea. There were a lot of reasons, grain is another one, but it was a mistake, a huge mistake and now he is cornered with no way out, political or socially, so he must win militarily, or he loses at home; however, the Ukrainians really don't have anything to lose at this point. They surrender and get either death or servitude, or they continue to fight and live another day so - they fight.

    Personally, I think the war will be won or lost this Spring/Summer. It's become too hot politically, even for Putin and the longer it goes on the more problems he will have at home. However, the biggest question, this Spring/Summer, is America's resolve which is wavering more and more and if America aid stops than all of Western Europe will stop which basically is giving the Ukrainians to Russia. My guess is that will be Putin's FSB biggest play while he is throwing the military sink at them. That's my prediction, Russian full court press politically to cut Ukraine funding and massive military offense to bring it to conclusion by end of Summer.

    EDIT: "...never mention that or the fact that the Ukraine govt was waging a war of genocide against the ethnic Russian population in the Eastern region."
    War of genocide or defense. Those accusations were made prior to knowing that Russian Speznaz were indeed in Donbas raising hell in order to prepare the environment for Russian troops. They wore militia uniforms, gave training on Russian weapons that flowing into the region, and basically kept the area in a state of crisis with sniper and artillery exchanges. You could even make the case they caused the Donbas to secede. Does ANYONE seriously believe that a true genocide could happen with all those Western journalists involved and it could be covered up? This is FSB at its finest.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
  19. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    When the American politicians can no longer laundry money thru Ukraine then it will be dropped like a hot potato like Afghanistan was, then its off to start a new war and laundry more money.
    Minuteman, Bandit99 and oldawg like this.
  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Now, that's the absolutely truth! The only difference is we aren't bleeding in this war. Just a thought but...wouldn't have been a grand idea to send all that military equipment we left in Afghanistan to Ukraine? Of course, they didn't want that because they couldn't make money off it and besides, they prefer cash.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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