Linky? Couldn't find anything other than that "they say" Iran has developed their own inhouse reactor fuel rod.
I try to never believe a logical reason for a crazy man's actions. If he was afraid of the US, why start agitating in the first place?
meh, a fuel rod is a long way from being weaponized grade. 20% enriched vs 80+% actually they should let them become nuke powered. It will mean more oil on the global market and if we don't like them anymore we can Fukishima / Chernobyl them.
Propaganda by all parties involved. war hawks in the states using the media to spread fear that Iran has gone nuclear thus making it imperative for us to get behind the sanctions effort on Irans' part to show how strong and determined they are to become nuclear and thumbing noses at the US/Israeli/Saudi Triad. TPTB are on the job. If this results in further sanction tightening, this will go from a cold shadowy conflict to a hot zone. And there will be no winners. I think I'm going to go fill up the barrels with gas this week, Just In Case. Just my 2 copper clad zincs.
Because the U.S.A. is like look.. you go ahead and save face.. say what you want.. do want you want short of attacking anyone. We'll make it look good for you so long as you keep the oil flowing. If you double-X us, it's game over for you.. get it? So show us your game plan, we'll review it, make changes and get back to you. people, this is just a big game of Risk played in Real Time with Real People. The lesser players have chosen to become vassals of a larger faction in return for certain favors. I'm totally convinced that Iran is a nothing-burger and that the economic pitch is what we need to watch out for the most.
BBC said this a.m. that Iran had tested a missile today in the Strait of Horusz. So provocation and sabre-rattling are still ongoing. I think their problem might be that they have folk-memories of when they were the Persian Empire all those centuries ago and they figure they should bring those days back again! When they were able to dominate and control practically the whole known world. They just don't see themselves as others see them (a common failing in nations, it seems!) and they think they still have what it takes. If it wasn't for oil, they would be just another desert.
Iran Backs Off Threat To Close Strait Of Hormuz | Fox News This article, even though it is from Fox news, I do not trust the source. MSM has a way of making things out to be different than they actually are. A far more reputable source states implicitly that Iran has indeed manufactured a fuel rod. That scares the bejeezus out of me.
"Fuel Rod".... Well, they HAVE always said they were building nuclear power..... what's the shock and surprise? If they build a warhead, THEN we got problems.......
Meh, we've got our own clown in control of 5113 (declared) warheads and haven't had an issue. If DC can be trusted with nuclear weapons anyone should be able to have one or two.
NEVER forget that these are the people that invented chess. They bear watching, with zero trust level. jim