Is this for real??

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by CRC, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

  2. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Hey tailor, pass the stick, I'm gettin hungry.
  3. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Give me a little time with this rock and everyone will have sticks. Makin' 'em as fast as I can. :D
  4. GoatLady

    GoatLady Lock and load

    What I want to know is why why why why why why WHY SO many christians can TOTALLY dismiss ANY sugestion that the powers that be may not be so fluffy and benevolent afterall!? The Bible TELLS us what is comming, we say we believe it (I say 'we' because as a bible believing christian I am refering spesifically TO other's who believe likewise) but try to suggest it's already happening and it seems like you just told them aliens from Mars have landed and took over the government!!!!!!! Why if they know it's comming is it SO hard to even entertain the thought of it creeping up on us NOW????

    No offence anyone but...


    (I have now officially lost my mind having sworn in times past n'er to set foot in the political area, pandamonium shall surely ensue.)
  5. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    I firmly believe GoatLady, that the reason for this is most christians do not hold the beliefs they profess or they would act very differently. I wish I could remember who said "I've got nothing against christians, I've just never met a real one" something to that effect.

    Our society is full of this phenomenon.... like:
    My buddy standing on the side of the road in BDU's (on leave) with a flat tire and not one of the thousand cars that drove by offered to help even though they had "I support our troops" bumper stickers.

    People are all talk, they put Jesus or the above bumper stickers on their vehicles, or they wear whatever color sensitivity ribbon they are supposed to, and that's it...... all talk. They are empty shells pretending to be whatever is they think they should so they can get what they want.

    Sound like I'm too down on the human race? I generally am.
  6. GoatLady

    GoatLady Lock and load

    :sigh: I want lots more kids, but can't justify it. It's going to be hard enough to protect the 3 we have now (they don't call me MamaBear for nothing, thought dh says it's more like DeathBear LOL, sounds like an evil care bear [LMAO] ) Maybe we'll be lucky and the [​IMG] will be done and over with before the time comes for grandkids, not holding my breath or anything but it would be nice :sigh:
  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    It never ceases to amaze me how people still continue to look at their religions and the books that were written by men as a guide to their future. If more people began making history, and learn to stand on their own, then the cycle of ignorance can be broken for eternity. It really isn't too terribly difficult to see that the myth of the devine only serves to keep the people in their place, enrich those who stand over them, and creates a perpetual state of control and dependency. If I were an elite banker, belonging to a secret society whose power is unlimited (since the craft of money creation is theirs), and my views of the world are to limit the population by two thirds, and create a new society without religion and national better a way to go about it than to capture the hearts and minds of mankind? The truth is...that the truth is right in front of you. The future is created, not predicted.
  8. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Some people find comfort believing in something bigger than themselves...SometimesI wish I could too, nuff said...[peep]
  9. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    :lol: @ evil care bear!

    Yes, it would be nice if "whatever" could be done and over with. Though I'm pretty sure that it just preceeds whatever's next... And how can we be sure that what's next is better for our kids than what they presently face?:dunno: Oh yeah, that's right; we can't.

    Still, I hope. :)
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