I went to one of the Beck get together s yesterday . I talked a lot of people and they said we'll never make a deference in this country. I don't feel that way ,they all seem to forget that it only took 3% of the colonists to take on the biggest super power of the day . Maybe we are just pissing in the wind but it's better than taking it on the chin and a hell of lot better than being shot at . If we could only get our voices heard in number we may just take our country back. I'm not going to just sit around and wait for the end . I know you guys don't know me ,I'm just an old soldier that wants his grandkids to be able to have the same country I grew up with. I'll just shut up now and be quite !!!
Guess it's gotta' get a whole lot worse before folks turn off the t.v. I was under impressed with his show after all the hype. No fiery rhetoric... nothing to gain attention ..hell the Jim Cramer John Stewart show down got more exposure. John did a pretty good job of nailing cramer and the financial community down...