It's like I don't know you any more.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by VisuTrac, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Until this year I was a Active member of our counties Republican Party. I got creamed and had my most basic FREEDOMS stripped by a Judge with whom I actually helped get elected. Since the Republican party doesnt work fo me I will never ever donate 1 penny or pass out 1 flyer for them.

    The only vote I now gurantee is my vote fo whomever can beat Obama.
  2. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    He says lots of good things, "Audit (or abolish) the Fed" for one, but it's things like this that make me wonder...

    On Top Magazine
    December 25, 2011
    Ron Paul has hailed accused WikiLeaks source Pvt. Bradley Manning as a “true patriot.”

    Paul hailed Manning as a “hero” during a rally held in January.
    “If we have an American citizen and he’s willing to take the consequences and practice civil disobedience and say, ‘This is what our government is doing,’ should he locked up and imprisoned?” Paul rhetorically asked to a handful of “nos.” “Or should we, you know, see him as a political hero? Maybe he is a true patriot who reveals what is going on in government.”
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Well, all i know is History will judge Pvt. Manning. I think we are too close to the event to see it for what it may be.

    I am also reminded of the phrase:"Who is watching the watchers"
  4. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    A psyched-out queer who whines that peer pressure from normal soldiers drove him to become a traitor ?

    I'm only one of 300,000,000 Americans, but I've judged him.
  5. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I can see your position Espada.

    I just wanted to note that there is a really thin line between Traitor and Patriot during troubled times. And sometimes it takes generations to make the call.

    Take for instance Robert E. Lee, Patriot to the south, traitor of the nation?
    How about John Brown? Traitor or Patriot?

    There is still debate on both sides 150 plus years on.

    Will there be a courts martial? Well we will know in a couple of weeks if he should face one or not.

    If all the information that was leaked prevents the United States from entering an unnecessary war would that make him a traitor or patriot.

    I guess all I am saying is that historians typically make some observations that contemporaries miss due to being so close that they couldn't see the forest for the trees.
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I do NOT make those Judgements, of a persons motives, but I can Judge his Actions. IF it turns out that he has violated his Oath of Enlistment, and any Security Oath, he may have had to take for his Security Clearance, THEN he is a CRIMINAL, a Felon, and needs to take responsibility for his Actions, and If convicted, Do the Time as per the Statutes he Violated. If you can'y do the time, then do NOT do the Crime. Should he turn out to be some Bleeding Heart Liberal, who disregarded his Oaths, the Lock his A** up for ever and throw away the Key, as he would so rightly deserve. .... YMMV....
    VisuTrac likes this.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++


    I'm there with you. There are consequences to every action. He may indeed get life in prison. I guess we will never know his motives, was it to support our enemies? Was it to shed light on our newly 'Transparent' government. Or to expose something that he felt was so abhorrent that he was willing to suffer the consequences.

    I've no idea.

    But there are going to be consequences.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    It would truly be a good thing if his motives were clear. They ain't. I am NOT persuaded he is a patriot of any kind.
  9. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I hold no judgement one way or the other on the Manning issue but I wanted to comment on the Ron Paul quote. This exactly what the media and what detractors of his have done for years.

    "Ron Paul has hailed accused WikiLeaks source Pvt. Bradley Manning as a “true patriot.”

    Really? Then in the article it clearly says"Maybe he is a true patriot who reveals what is going on in government.”

    And maybe he is exactly what they say he is. He was clearly saying that we shouldn't rush to judgement just because the government is accusing a whistle blower. He may be a traitor, or he might just be a patriot. But the article doesn't see that, they see a chance to launch a cheap shot at RP.
    Typical yellow journalism.
    VisuTrac and BTPost like this.
  10. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    First of all, as MM has already pointed out, Dr Paul did not label Manning a "true patriot"...he effectively said what Manning is and did is up to us to decide. As BT pointed out, there will be repercussions that he will suffer and he knew that going in. The information that he released is material that the people should know of what the government does in our name.

    I really don't care much what he is personally. The whole situation reminds me of the furor in 1969 surrounding Daniel Ellsberg's release of The Pentagon Papers documenting how the american people were tricked into Vietnam by our government. Many called Ellsberg a traitor, but the light that he shined on the government's activities did much toward getting us out of something we should never have gone into in the first place.

    Neither Ellsberg or Manning offended against the people of the USA...they made available to the people information that the government concealed from them that they had the right to know. When I enlisted, I took an oath to defend the constitution...and I believe there is an argument that both Ellsberg and Manning did more to keep that oath than those of us who went along to get along.
    Byte likes this.
  11. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    "...and I believe there is an argument that both Ellsberg and Manning did more to keep that oath than those of us who went along to get along."

    Wow. Just wow.

    We picked up a rifle 10,000 miles from home just "to get along?"

  12. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    So we were defending the constitution against the VC?

    I'm sorry (really...not just saying it to be "correct") if I offend you, but I think there is a valid argument to be made that helping to end the killing in an unconstitutional (and just plain bad) war just might be more in line with defending the constitution than letting oneself be sucked into fighting it.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  13. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    Ever heard of the SEATO Treaty ? South East Asia Treaty Organization ?

    Same as NATO, just fewer letters, which bound its signatories to come to the aid of any who were attacked. That's what we, Australia, South Korea and several other countries did. And don't give me any of that hippy **** about it was a "civil war."

    Yes, you are are patently offensive to me.

    Pax. Peace. Like Jane Fonda.
  14. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Now that you put it that way, I am sorta glad I offend you.

    I actually like offending obnoxious dumbasses...I just wasn't aware of what you were until this post.

    Since you are too dumb to have a discussion with, I'll just withdraw the apology and tell you to piss off.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    No more, please.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  16. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    OK...but I tried to be nice this time. (y)
    BTPost and VisuTrac like this.
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