Once again the Feds win! Judge strikes down another Chicago gun ordinance Federal judge strikes down part of Chicago's gun law - chicagotribune.com Court ruling http://www.chicagotribune.com/media/acrobat/2012-06/312210140-19133634.pdf
Chicago gets it's collective A** kicked, in Federal Court, AGAIN..... couldn't happen to a nicer group of Folks..... ......
Obammy's good buddy Rahm is just going thru the motions of trying to keep the Chicago gun ordinance alive ..... old Mayor Rich Daly was the guy that was absolutely rabid about guns ...... Rahm's biggest problem is that every weekend it's like the "Shoot Out at the OK Corral" in the black hood ..... hundreds of reported shots - 50 wounded - 10 dead ..... kind of makes Rahm look really stupid to talk like the gun laws mean anything .....