Just dropping by

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ~kev~, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. ~kev~

    ~kev~ Monkey+++

    Hello everyone, its been awhile since I dropped by. So I thought I would sign in and say hello.

    The garden is doing well. 2 weeks ago I harvested all the potatoes. The red skin out produced the butter potatoes by almost 3 :1, so next year I am planting more red skin.

    The cucumbers are doing well and have started producing. I picked 4 nice size ones 2 days ago.

    The zucchini and squash are producing well.

    Peppers are going through a growing spurt. I think its because of the hot weather finally setting in.

    Snap beans have been producing for a month now. Boiled snap beans with fresh potatoes sure are good.

    This weekend I will be going to the deer lease to take a look around. Gonna set up a trail camera and get one feeder going. The camera will be checked next weekend.

    Anyway, yall take care and I'll ttyl.
  2. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    Good to see you..... stop by a little more frequently, eh. :)
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