Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants | Politics and Law - CNET News Yep, they want to tweak the bill so they "CAN" read your email without a warrant. If you are not using PGP, truecrypt, stenography, OnePad or other high capacity encryption, It might be a good time to start. Especially if you think the gooberment might be interesting in what you may be doing.
It is still just a Bill.... However it shows the trend.... I absolutely agree with VisuTrac, if you are NOT encrypting your most private eMails, you are going to be allowing .Gov. To read everything....
Anything you type or say can and probably is scrutinized by machine or man--according to how many "lists" you are on. One needs to be careful not to say anything that can be used against himself or his friends.
With regard to PGP, truecrypt, stenography, OnePad and other high capacity encryption; . I am being a bit lazy here in asking, but could someone please give some pro and con plus price info if not free on these listed encryption programs as well as links please? Consider it a Christmas gift to computer ignorant Monkeys like me.
BTPost is our expert on stenography and One Pad. melbo is the man on truecrypt. I know nothing, nothing, I say!! But will soon be getting more interested in One Pad. Google first?
Google would give me multiple listings for products I know nothing about, and all would claim their product the best etc etc. I am looking for some Monkey reviews of known products and prices if not free.
I'm going to continue on the assumption that the encryption of emails is only designed to make the user feel like they are protected.. Any communication that some low level slug thinks they need to decrypt, they will. Warrant or not. I personally will not discuss anything that would need to be encrypted via email or telephone, period. Even if the coms are not intercepted at that moment, they are stored and can be reviewed at a later time - "to be used against you in a court of law" or a witch hunt..
Ok, Facts.... PGP, GPG, and related Paired Key Encryption Systems based on Phil Zimmerman's work..... These are, as of today, basically unCrackable by even the Letters Outfits in realtime. The one documented Crack was done a few years back, and it took MONTHS, and was done by using tens of thousands of computers, all working on the crack, and connected via the Internet. It was a Brute Force Crack. Stegography.... There are many Apps, available for most OS Systems, that can imbed Data in common JPEG Files using a bunch of different algorithms. MonkeyNet uses an App called Stego, that was written by one of our own Monkeys, and is as good as we can make it. PassPhrase security is the best policy for Stego type encryption. OnePad.... One Time Pad Systems are the most SECURE Encryption systems ever invented, as they leave very few clues to the system from the outside. MonkeyNet uses a Phrase Based Pad as well as the standard ASCII, and Hex based Pads. In the Phrase based System, unless you have access to the PAD, you have no clue as to what Phrase is represented by any of the Row/Column addressing. PAD Security is the only issue in a One Time Pad System. If the PAD is Secure, the encryption is SECURE. TrueCryprt is Melbo's Domain but it is based on the some of Phil Zimmerman's work, and is very SECURE, both Encryption wise, and Physically.
They know. It's one of the reasons they continue to develop faster and faster computers at DARPA. As near as I can tell, brute force cracking is the only way to get the message out of the code, and that requires huge, fast, resources. Of course, they will tell you, if you can get them to talk about it at all, that computing power is for code cracking of military (strategic and/or tactical) value transmissions in real time.
Just in... Sen. Pat has come out with a "Statement" that the Markup, with the exemptions for Federal Agencies, was just "an idea" that was proposed, and that HE does NOT support this section of the rewritten Bill, and hopes that it will be removed. Blah, Blah, Blah.... He got caught, and now is playing CYA, to get out from under it.... Now that it is PUBLIC, it will likely NOT happen, just like new Gun Controls likely will NOT Happen, either.... BUT ONLY IF WE remain Vigilant...
This one is simple never put anything on a computer that you don't want other people to see. Everything and I mean everything has a back door they won't have to hack it.