Know thy enemy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fl4848, Apr 22, 2023.

  1. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

  2. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Dude ….on many forums this is considered “link crapping” (I am being polite). If you can’t at least take the time to explain the relevance/meaning/application of the link that is dumped why bother ?
  3. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    Illuminati Bloodlines

    I thought the title explained it all.

    Know thy enemy. The controllers of the world. The Illuminati.

    We have all been inundated with "Illuminati" conspiracy shows on the History channel, the Da Vinci Code, Alex Jones, ect. If you notice, they never actually say who the Illuminati are. Obviously they are specific people who have names and addresses and phone numbers. They also never explain exactly how they work. Well this guy had the balls to do it. And he was the first. He gave this talk in the 1990s.

    I, then, realized why no one -- Alex Jones, ect -- ever actually names the members of the Illuminati. WHY? Because of what they did to this guy. They set an example.

    While I was watching this video, I started to think to myself... dam... I wonder if this guy is still alive. I bet the off-ed him. He even said that one of his friends in the Illuminati was a whistleblower. He was going to visit him on Jan 12, but he was murdered on Jan 11th. So he knew the consequences. He goes into DETAIL about how they operate.

    So, what did they kill him? Nope, but they did frame him for an armed bank robbery, and threw him in prison for 7 years. Then they guy gets out, and still has the balls to give lectures in public. I mean, sh*t, that would give me pause.

    Although I found the first 1/2 hour fascinating because I'm interested in getting right with the Lord, others may not be into God lectures. Skip the first 1/2 hour, and get into the meat of the Illuminati discussion. He tells you how they operate. How they have been in operation since Egypt, Gnosticism.

    Bottomline: We have to understand how our enemy operates.

    We don't even know what the NAME of our enemies are. DUH! Seriously. They're laughing at us.

    We need to get to know our enemy. Understand what motivates them. What makes them tick. How they operate. Where they operate from. Who they are.

    Everyone spits out and regurgitates the awful things that they are doing to our country, but they don't now who THEY are. And no one ever seems to try to find out.

    Why let them operate in the shadows? Shine the light of day on them. This ALONE would stop them in their tracks. Get a list of names. Post it on the internet. Track them. They track you, don't they? Don't they know every little email that you ever sent? And you can't even know what their names are, as they destroy your country.

    Step one: Know they enemy.
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