Looking for a kydex sheath for my MUT. Anyone know of any good kydex sheath makers? Websites and pictures of work welcomed! Thanks
The makers I know are gonna have quite a backlog. If you're on the high road (thehighroad.org) look up Sam1911. He's good but he's backed up for months.
Ive made a couple from piece I have purchased on ebay using a 5 dollar toaster oven I picked up at the thrift store. It requires a press of some type but once you get the press made its good for most projects. Theres already alot of good tutorials online about kydex, homemade presses and what not. Best advice is dont cook it to long. I learned that the hard way.
I've done it before, but I wasn't too proud of the results. I just used a heat gun and hand formed it into a simple foldover sheath. However, you can buy everything you need to work it properly at Texas Knifemaker's Supply. Their kydex supply page is here.
I tried and tried to make kydex for some of my knives but never could get the hang of it. Others pick it up right away - I had to have others make it for me. I have a press and oven if anyone wants to try it.
I'm curious if anyone has called the company directly for advice. I ran into a sales rep for them while away on business. He was on a separate end of the business, but when I asked him about custom holsters and sheaths, he went into great detail on how to form the pieces. It was very informative. I wish I could have retained it all! He is sending me some sample packs to play with. I'm sure I could give him a call and get a refresher if needed. My point is, give the company a call. They seemed like very well informed and eager to help.