the nra snuggled up to mcarthy on the latest round of gun control bills...
I resigned my life-time membership in the NRA after the debacle in New Orleans after Katrina. They have become a bunch of political hacks only interested in the almighty dollar and they officially got the last one of mine that they'll ever get.
because we have lost faith in the ability of our fellow citizen to have enough sense to vote is the short answer. The NRA is filled with powerful members of the very government that subjugates us and I have little doubt that the ultimate plan is to reduce the ability to own firearms to registered members of the NRA. Soon there will be another campaign stating that never has an NRA member gone postal and we will accept membership in lieu of confiscations, subject to the newly adopted rules of ownership for sporting and defensive purposes. There will be a lot of flag-waving rhetoric, supporters will crawl out of the wood-work and the next thing you know; total gun control and we'll volunteer for it!
They also have that gun-grabbing sob Joachim Jackson ex Texas Ranger shooting off his mouth how no "civilian" has a need to own anything that shoots more than 5 rounds. Guess the non-shooting slob is afraid of the public for some reason. Stinking cowards! jim