Last Mountain House Sale of the Year--MH Pouches +7% in '12 At Safecastle, we're running a four-day 25%-Off Mountain House sale this week--EXTENDED thru Monday, Nov. 21. Note that we're only selling MH cans that are in stock. We're bringing in lots of extra help to get your order out pronto. So there are no worries about long delays on your Mountain House delivery. The last thing you want is to get your order jammed up in the "mails" with the holiday season about to begin--hence--we are getting shipments out within a few days of order receipt to beat the holiday shipping crush. Of course, everything ships free to the lower 48 all the time. As for this week's sale-period Mountain House Royalty Rewards Incentives program--we have pumped it up this time over previous MH sale Rewards, so the time is right for you to make sure your bunker is stocked up going into what everybody is agreed is going to be a very tough year ahead. Have a look at these new sale-period Royalty Rewards. And this news too is worth considering: Mountain House is raising pouch case prices across the board for 2012 at about 7%. So if you need to stock up on MH pouches--do it now.
[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Shop the sale now: Safecastle: Survival Gear Outfitter For Emergency & Crisis Preparedness - - NOW ON SALE! -[/FONT]