Isn't this like double-taxation jeopardy? Taxpayers paid once and they pissed away an opportunity, now they're PAID to make up for their poor decisions. Sounds just like General Motors. Now, if they were being paid in the Marine Corps' summer school program at Camp Lejeune, I wouldn't have a problem...and neither would they.
Rewarding those who don't work hard enough to live up to the standards of their peers? Sounds like the democrats are developing their future voter base...
Umm, yeah...haven't you heard of "no child left behind"? The whole point of that program is communism on education. Screw the bell curve and lower the standards to the dumbest kids in the school SYSTEM. It's like the "zero tolerance" policy that our school system has as well towards violence, except they only apply it to upper-middle class intelligent two-parent white kids who fight back when they finally snap and get sick and tired of being picked on and beat up by thugs. </rant> Sorry. Long day.
Not exactly a new concept, also called social promotion, where a child is passed on to the next grade because everyone else in his/her age group is.
Pretty much my point. The herd should not be held back because of the weaker members. Segregate them out and supply them with the tools they need to succeed at an appropriate level, but take them OUT of the mainstream. Moving the mainstream back punishes the majority and does nothing for society as a whole.
prolly sick of seeing this, but it applies well here: There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal. ― F.A. Hayek