Looking for Property or a Home to Go Offgrid in Northern California (Brownsville, Challenge, Alta?)

Discussion in 'Off Grid Living' started by GoingOffGridInCalifornia, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. Pax good thinking but our son won't move there. We checked out the border towns in Oregon. I didn't care for any of them, most had very few people and jobs. Except the one right over the border was a wee bit better. That was when we thought our son would consider moving with us. My favorite town was Gold Beach.

    Olddude Silver Springs is too far from my job in Grass Valley.

    The most important is Clean Air so a colder climate is better for that usually

    Rocky Road Lerp, you hit the nail on the head. One of the towns in the heading is ALTA which is off I-80 and the only half way reasonable land, if you'd call it reasonable.

    The Sierra Nevada's have EXCELLENT AIR the further you get up but there is also the skiing which makes properties very expensive but we are still very focused on that area bigtime. There is little within our price range though. We've checked out a few cheaper parcels of land to build illegally but none have fit the bill as of yet. To go even a little higher would require more money but Emigrant Gap we are also considering. LOTS of snow though.

    Emigrant Gap & Alta- More expensive high in the sierras- 30-45 minute commute to work. Clean Air #1 priority
    Brownsville & Challenge, less expensive, not as good of air and 1.5 hr commute to work. Clean Air #1 priority

    The distilled water falls off the shelves here in our town because so many people are on CPAP/BPAP breathing assistant machines during their sleep. IF anyone pops in with experience living in the towns listed above, that would be great
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2016
  2. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    After going back and reading this thread, I have a few questions.

    1. Having clean air will mean getting out of an area where people use wood for heat. The Sierra Nevada foothills isn't that area. I lived there.

    2. Grass Valley and Auburn are above the "brown belt" of the Sacramento Valley but it still gets hot. The further up you go, the greater the possibility of snow in the winter. That would make for a difficult and long commute. Are you considering that issue?

    3. Go to the link Grass Valley Real Estate - Grass Valley CA Homes For Sale | Zillow There is a 9+ acre property with a well and septic (no house) for $89,000. have you considered buying a used travel trailer to live in during this transition to off grid living?

    4. You will have tree pollen in the spring, dust and weed pollen in the summer in the foot hills. If you want cleaner air, have you considered the North coast around Fort Bragg or Fortuna?
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