Original Work Lost and Found by Halffast aka Collision Course

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by Halffast, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. Halffast

    Halffast Wannabe Hack Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    DJ Frost was a likeable guy. Most thought him a little on the eccentric side, but they couldn’t help but be pulled in by his happy-go-lucky personality and brilliant smile. DJ, they would say, could have sold ice to Eskimos. Many wondered why he wasn’t in sales instead of security. The reason was that DJ liked working security. People respected him and he liked helping strangers. Just like Valerie. DJ had turned the corner just as three guys pulled her into a van. He chased them down and shot out their tires. Then he single handedly apprehended two of them. The police caught the other a few days later. DJ was awarded the Employee of the Year Award. He and Val started to date. It didn’t last a long time, but it had been good for a while and they were still friends.

    I wanted to let you all know that I have a new story. You can find it here: SF Fiction - Lost and Found Update 5/6/11 - Page 1 - AR15.COM

    Amazon.com: Collision Course (9780451238078): David Crawford: Books

    The first 11 chapters are posted and I try to add a new chapter every two weeks or so. If you decide to read it, I would appreciate your frank and honest opinions. Thanks so much and thanks for the kind words I have recieved from you guys about "Lights Out".

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2014
  2. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Woo Hoo! An updated chapter.
  3. ChemicalGal

    ChemicalGal Monkey+++

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Great Story Halffast.
    Found your post here and read it today, can't wait to see how it progresses.
    Wish I didn't read so fast, great stories would last longer
    Thank you for Lights Out and Lost & Found.
  4. fuzzy

    fuzzy Monkey+++

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    great read so far bookmarked it.
  5. Halffast

    Halffast Wannabe Hack Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Chapter 12 is posted.
  6. snowbyrd

    snowbyrd Latet anguis in herba

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Now I get it, not fast not slow.
    "forced back, leaving everything they had packed" The ones that were caught in the traffic jam and had to go back home. (paraphrased) Good lesson for sure.
    "pitched his tent" (1st day out)
    Chpt 4 'dressed and stepped out of tent, stood at door of tent' then hit the dirt.
    Well written, enjoyed 'Lights out' also.
    The drop leg holster, I dunno.
    Thanks David, good read, I am just a [booze]type of person I guess, just [beat] once in a while...... snowbyrd
    blim likes this.
  7. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Excellent read so far!!! Keep up the good work.
  8. andy

    andy Monkey+++

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    like it so far... loved "lights out" beat the heck out of the "postman"(the book) any day! hope i can get to the new story while i'm on my next deployment.

  9. NVBeav

    NVBeav Monkey+++

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Chapter 13 is there!
  10. duanet

    duanet Monkey+++

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Loved it as usual. Keeping us on edge and developing all kinds of chacters and then throwing them up in the air and holding us in suspence for a while. Would love to wait till the end and read it all, but check every day to see if you have finished another chapter. Thank you very much for lights out. That really made me think. The best prepared had overlooked the little details that kill you and the least prepaired worked in a group and used what they had and survived.
  11. mage2

    mage2 Monkey+++

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Is a good story. Need more to read !
  12. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Another story. Very cool. Gonna be reading for a while. Your stories are great Halffast. Keep up the good work. [winkthumb]
  13. Halffast

    Halffast Wannabe Hack Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Thanks for all of the support, guys.

    Chapter 14 is posted.

  14. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    As usual, outstanding work David.
  15. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Great read, can't wait for the next chapter :)
  16. Pru

    Pru Monkey+++

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    I just read it straight through (thru chapter 14) and am really enjoying it. I LOVE how you sucked me into thinking that .... but as the story develops, each is turning out ...

    Can't wait to see how the rest develops. I'm wondering .... Hints of romance and healing for ...
    Thank you so much for sharing your stories!
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Hey, Pru!! Stop with the details, already!! [beat][beat] I want to read it thru when it's done --
  18. Pru

    Pru Monkey+++

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    Then quit reading this thread!! [smsh]
    Wadda ya think we're talking about? Purses? [grlft]
  19. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    I think what ghrit meant was opinions are valued but details of the story are like like details from your bedroom - best kept to yourself.
  20. Pru

    Pru Monkey+++

    Re: "Lost and Found" by Halffast

    My apologies. I misunderstood Halffast's request.

    I've edited my message for spoiler details. Ghrit, you may want to do the same.
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