I wrote and copy-righted this song in 1994; it amazes me how clear the prophecy was written. We are re-recording this on a cd that I am working on with some folks here in Mobile. Soon as the tracks are completed, I will publish it on my site at Mississippi River Crooks | Mobile, AL | Alternative | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation . There is a MP3 player there with several home-spun tunes. Big Brother Copy Right D. Wallace, 1994 We will take care of you when you're ill We will pay your bills when you are over the hill.... We will watch over you in your home. Big Brother will take good care of you. (you and I....you and I) You won't need money, just your debit card to buy all the nice things, if you Work real hard at the career that You are allowed to choose... Big Brother will take good care of you (you and I....you and I) You don't worry about what your children see: We'll carefully edit all the books and TV to make them less harmful to our youth! Big Brother will take good care of you. (you and I....you and I) You won't need a gun to defend yourself. That job has been given to somebody else. The police are very good at what they are trained to do. Big Brother will take good care of you. (you and I....you and I) Thanks to all the break-through in technology, we now have home access through interactive TV; it makes our job much easier to do. Big Brother will take good care of you. (you and I....you and I) We have them in our homes and in our Malls. We have them in Parking Lots and Meeting Halls. So that we may be of service to you.... Big Brother will take good care of you. (you and I......you and I) For those few that decide to break the rules, We are committed to send them back to school to learn how to become "Part of the Crew". Big Brother will take good care of you. (you and I......you and I) There will always be a number you can call to report any violations of the Law. It is dangerous, what dissonance can do! Big Brother will take good care of you. You and I Take good care of you you and I Take good care of you.... I think I'm going to call the CD "Drink the Coolaid".
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Some things you have to Keep by Darrell Wallace I walked down to the river, it was dark and late at night. I starred into the water and wondered if I were right? When an old man appeared beside me, I turned to look his way. He said "Listen to me; I got something I need to say." "There's some things you have to keep, and some things , you throw away." "Maybe you've got some problems and life hasn't been real kind..." "I'll tell you a little secret, Might ease your mind." He starred into the water and shivered from the cold, pulled his coat a little tighter around him and said "I must be getting old..." "This is easy to understand, if you listen to what I say...." "There's some things you want to keep and some things, you throw away." I keep pictures of my children locked inside my head. And the sound of my wife's laughter lasted long after she was dead. I'll never forget Korea or the 32 parallel.... all the faces of my dead friends, I remember too damned well. For a while, I drank too much to remember what went on, and I found myself standing here by this river all alone. Still water runs deep, its true...I learned my lesson that day. "There's some things you have to keep and some things, you throw away." You keep the things that make you smile, you keep the lesson you've learned.. try to forget the anger and the times that you've been burned. forget the things you leave behind, they won't fit you now anyway.... Take what you need to carry on and don't throw your life away... I turned around and he was gone, just the river and me... the dark of night was fading and it was easier to see... I looked all around me but the only thing I found, was a note in an old bottle, lying on the ground. I almost didn't read the words, afraid of what I'd find. The note was addressed to 'Anyone" and it only had four lines... I can't forget....I can't go on there is nothing left to say "there's some things you have to keep and some things, you throw away... This is easy to understand, if you listen to what I say..... there's some things you should keep and some things, you throw away."