Major Hydroxychloroquine Study Retracted, Peer Reviews Correct Poor Data Used in Trials.

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by HK_User, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    As proven by long term use over decades Hydroxychloroquine is a safe drug when prescribed to those under a Doctor's care. Some patients have other medical conditions which put them at risk this is the case with most drug's and the reason long term trials are required.
    Peer reviews work and should be checked before posting incorrect information.

    An arrangement of hydroxychloroquine pills in Las Vegas, Nev., on April 6, 2020. (John Locher/AP Photo)
    Major Hydroxychloroquine Study Retracted: ‘We Deeply Apologize’
    By Zachary Stieber
    June 4, 2020 Updated: June 4, 2020
    A top journal retracted a study on hydroxychloroquine that attracted worldwide attention—prompting the suspension of multiple trials—after three researchers admitted they couldn’t vouch for the data used.

    Researchers conducting the observational study claimed to have medical records of nearly 100,000 patients who took hydroxychloroquine or the closely related chloroquine. The four researchers said their analysis showed a higher mortality rate in COVID-19 patients who took the drug when compared with those who didn’t.

    But Surgisphere, a little known Chicago-based company where one of the authors works, refused to share the dataset allegedly containing the records, prompting the other three authors to request a retraction.

    “Our independent peer reviewers informed us that Surgisphere would not transfer” relevant information including the full dataset “to their servers for analysis as such transfer would violate client agreements and confidentiality requirements,” the researchers wrote in a June 4 statement (pdf).

    “As such, our reviewers were not able to conduct an independent and private peer review and therefore notified us of their withdrawal from the peer-review process.”

    “Based on this development, we can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources. Due to this unfortunate development, the authors request that the paper be retracted,” they added later.

    “We all entered this collaboration to contribute in good faith and at a time of great need during the COVID-19 pandemic. We deeply apologize to you, the editors, and the journal readership for any embarrassment or inconvenience that this may have caused.”

    A pharmacy tech pours out pills of hydroxychloroquine at Rock Canyon Pharmacy in Provo, Utah, on May 20, 2020. (George Frey/AFP via Getty Images)
    The original study shook the scientific world, prompting World Health Organization (WHO) and French authorities to suspend clinical trials testing hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19, the new disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

    But over 100 medical professionals raised 10 major issues with the study, culminating with the retraction a few days after The Lancet, which published the paper, said there were “serious concerns” with the data.

    The Lancet said Thursday in announcing the retraction that it “takes issues of scientific integrity extremely seriously, and there are many outstanding questions about Surgisphere and the data that were allegedly included in this study.”

    It retracted the paper on the request of three of the authors: Mandeep Mehra of Harvard Medical School, Frank Ruschitzka of University Heart Center at the University Hospital Zurich, and Amit Patel of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Utah.

    Sapan Desai of the Surgisphere was the fourth researcher listed in the original paper, which was funded by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.

    While some studies have shown COVID-19 patients experiencing heart issues when taking hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, the drugs were approved decades ago and have been used by hundreds of thousands of people against malaria and other ailments with little concern.

    The drugs have shown efficacy against COVID-19 in some studies, including in India and the United States. Large clinical trials are underway in America, Britain, and elsewhere examining their safety and effectiveness when used to combat the new disease.

    WHO officials said earlier this week its trial of hydroxychloroquine was restarting based on advice from experts. Some groups, including researchers heading a trial expected to involve tens of thousands of healthcare workers, never paused their work.
    Ganado likes this.
  2. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    "Follow the money" used to be the rubric on these.

    Now, it is more likely "Follow the politics" which, when Dems are involved, seems to infect everything they come in contact with - almost like a disease, say - cancer.:

    Who or what is "Surgisphere"?
    Ranked #1 For Machine Learning-Powered Data Analytics based in Chiraq, ILL.

    Concerns Build Over Surgisphere’s COVID-19 Dataset (backgrounder)
    The buzz-
    Scientists are expressing doubts that Surgisphere Corporation could have collected so much detailed patient data in such a short period of time. The open letter to the NEJM requests that, “at the very minimum, [Surgisphere should share] the aggregated patient data at the hospital level (for all covariates and outcomes).”

    The Lancet study reported that Surgisphere’s registry contained data from more than 63,000 COVID-19 patients admitted to 559 hospitals in North America by April 14. By that date, around 580,000 total cases had been reported in the United States, with New York and New Jersey accounting for nearly half of them.

    Surgisphere CEO and founder Sapan Desai has so far declined to release the names of any hospitals involved in providing the data, citing pre-arranged privacy agreements.

    The WIKI on this outfit
    Surgisphere - Wikipedia
    Company credibility
    A parallel investigation by the British daily The Guardian revealed that several of Surgisphere's employees had little or no data or scientific background; one employee appeared to be a science fiction author while another, listed as a marketing executive, was an adult model and events hostess. The Guardian also found that Surgisphere's LinkedIn page has fewer than 100 followers and in late May 2020 listed only six employees. It also found that the company had almost no online presence and that its Twitter account had made no posts from October 2017 to March 2020"

    Oh, good golly me.

    Scam city
    HK_User likes this.
  3. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Remember that old, "You just can't make this sh!T up"?

    Well. today, it seems you can make this sh!t up and if it fits a particular political agenda...

    you know.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2020
    mysterymet, Ganado and HK_User like this.
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