There was a post awhile back where someone was making holsters, I cant seem to find it. so Who was it and are you still making them? im in the market for a IWB holster for a 1911.
I've seen some decent homemade kydex holsters but for serious carry I rely on Milt Sparks. Havent seen the post you mention.
I think Monkeyman has a few posts about making holsters, it has been a good while though. I am also a big fan of Sparks. My usual carry is a 1911 in a Milt Sparks Versa-Max II. Most comfortable leather I have worn.
my problem is there is about a 6 month wait for a sparks. so im stuck with buying off shelf, or making my own i have made some leather sheaths for knives, and have rebuilt a holster to better suit my needs. I would still rather support those I know than those i dont.