I guess he didn't get the memo Man emerges from bunker 14 years after Y2K scare | This is That with Pat Kelly and Peter Oldring | CBC Radio
I do not get very good TV reception in "my bunker"... I just thank god I can still reach the bulletin board...
And he never once ventured out to see if the world had ended??? I have say this guy if true is a few cans short of a six pack. What a waste of 14 years now he will not go in when he needs to.
Now now.. He may have made exulent use of his time. A new form of basket weaving, wrote a post apocalyptic cook book.. How to keep your zombie well preserved.. Best use for left over mylar bags. By the way, any one check and see if he has any ammo for sale?? He would be 14 years behind on the pricing..
After being away from society for 14 years, Norman Feller is most impressed with KFC's 'Double Down' sandwich.
IDIOT!!!! The guy was stupid to lock himself away pre-maturely... and to not poke his head out to check the status...maybe a little recon would have been order say after 6 months...hahaha. I would commend him on his food stores he must have kept....to bad they will not be available when the SHTF near term.