My father gave me a Mantracker knife recently, its pretty nice looking and comes with a compass in the handle. I tried to do some research on them and came up with nothing, doesn't seem like there for sale anymore. Can anyone shed some light on the subject?
The only info I can find is that the "Mantracker" could possibly be made by Strider and carries a hefty price tag near $2000. Also they are reported to be hard to locate. Could be wrong. Also cross referenced a real silly television show with the same name. Any other info you could give? Specifics on the knife? Any labeling?
Is this the knife? Apparently, I have this knife, exactly this one...(this is pic from internet, not mine). But I paid for it abouit 100$. Has nylon sheath...a bit crappy one.. And I think it's called Mantrack, not MantrackER....
That could be the elusive, rare and expensive Mantrack. Good luck finding the scoop on it -just don't let it go too easily!
ya i think its different models there is almost absolutely no input on the net unless somebody will remain a mystery for now
I have a very similar one, mine has a tanto though. If somebody will tell me how to post pictures I would be happy to share them.