Mass Detention in Colorado

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Silversnake, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Gator it is people like you that cause all the problems between a helpful, caring goverment:sick:we owe it to them to fall in line and follow the program and do our part as citizens of a civilized world. You are just hateful and bitter. Big Brother is here to[do-it]us, Scratch that I mean help us. Be a team player and enjoy the freedoms they allow us to have. (lol)

    I agree with a few F- bombs and some remarks about their momma I would have been shot and then on news it would have been. A second suspect was located during the search a older white racist domestic male terrorist. Who was a L.E.O. with hate issues, not a team player and had been part of a secret organized group that blames the goverment for screwing up the US. While comitting criminal acts against the people, covering up criminal acts and comitting treason . We had to shoot the suspect for talking about our momma's and he was aggressive to the point that the 40 responding L.E.O.'s couldn't handle him. L.E.O.'s fired 452 round from duty weapons striking the suspect 3 times as the suspect took a threatening combative stance with his hands up in the air, making the statement "don't shoot I am unarmed and have comitted no crime"!!!!. We took this as a sign he was questioning our judgment and would not comply with commands. When a boot officer saved they day, Officer Gov knee pads was standing behind his patrol unit and dropped his sevice weapon onto the pavement and the weapon discharged with the round bouncing off of the pavement striking a 80 year old female in the sholder causing the bullet to turn and strike the suspect in the back of the head. Suspect will also be charged with injuries to the 80 year old female. Im glad the boot officer had planned the whole thing out and followed through with taking the shot we was running low on ammo. The second suspect died on scene and was transported to the hospital 6 hours later when EMS was contacted and arrived on scene. Oh and up on talking with neighbors we searched his house shot two vicious terrorist dogs, Smacked his wife, kicked his child who are now being held for questioning of a secret plan don't know what the plan is but I know it's a secrete and is a national security risk. Also found at the residence was multiple legal owned fire arms and ammo. Which we took into possession to show you sheeple I mean people this was a bad guy. Thats why he refused us the right to handcuff him and search his vehicle when he was just driving down the street and stopped at a red light. No criminal record found at this time but we do have evidence and witnesses he was part of a dangerous, working class, bill paying, independant secret group of citizen demanding his god given rights to be free and left alone. President O-boma and White house Officals support the local PD by making a statement "yes this guy was on our radar and being looked at for connection with the group of citizens". I am currently writing a law in to help combat/ prevent these type of rouge citizen's.

    Another thing they always have these witnesses where the he!! are they I have never seen one or heard of one testifing in court. As for we recieved a tip by phone or a tip unknown caller. "Sure ya did" Officer Gov knee Pads went down the street and called the tip in from a pay phone that couldn't be traced back to a name as the unknown caller.
  2. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Thanks Alpha, I have been out sarcasmed by a master..............It was sarcasm right?
    Seacowboys and Alpha Dog like this.
  3. on a slightly different note, has anyone read the balled of carl drega.

    This type of behavior is creating the possibility of more and more of them.

    sooner or later someone will sit politely through such an onslaught on their freedom, then go home, write their will, and go hunting.

    Perhaps several someone's.

    Should the time come when SHTF happens, wearing a uniform may not be a form of protection or authority. It may just become a target.

    /sigh. Amerika, how far ye have fallen.
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  4. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I have been watching the news on this incident and am just floored at how the local radio & local papers have basically ignored this whole incident. I am extremely concerned that there is no public up-roar. This is not okay, this should not be swept under the carpet. The police put every citizen in danger. The police knew there was an armed "bad guy" in that cluster of 19 cars. They took people out & cuffed them. What would have happened had the robber started shooting? The police had their vests & shields.

    The police have stated that they had no description just a reliable tip.... the tip was a tracking device that the bank used. The law officers made a call to stop everyone at a busy intersection rather then track the tracking device. Personally I think it was an exercise in seeing how compliant the average citizen is. IMO Aurora CO has may sheep.
    Thaddius Bickerton and Alpha Dog like this.
  5. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    And if they followed the tracking device where was the 'loots' they would have caught him 'red-handed' with? Just a mention of 2 loaded handguns....which are legal to posses in one's vehicle in CO. They failed to mention any evidence that supports their assertion that he was in the process of committing said crime while possessing those hand guns. They're stating that they caught the suspect they were looking for and showing two hand guns is merely a police (read that as pathetic) tactic to insert prejudice into the minds of gullible observers concerning this case. 'Oh nos! He had guns. He must have been the bank robber!' Fools every one of them, tyrants and sheeple alike. I heard a great one the other day. One politician says to the other, 'I'm sure glad that leak is on your side of the boat!' Cracked me up.

    Just makes me very happy that I vacated that stupid state a few years ago. Sadly, very soon there will be nowhere safe from their evil clutches. :sad panda.

  6. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I noticed that it never said they recovered the money but I read somewhere that there was a tracking device.

    I am concerned that the country is going to see more & more incidents of a gun being the bad guy. I really think they are going to try to take our weapons away. I am still in that stupid state and it scares me to no end that people would just consent to being cuffed and giving the okay to have their vehicle searched for no reason. I carry a copy of the constitution in my car, it is visible and I have read it.
    Alpha Dog and Sapper John like this.
  7. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    In todays world it has already become a target and with the new criminal population, court stystems, and dirty cops they have made all of us targets. The criminals want to shoot us to comitt and get away with crimes and the good citizens can't tell which ones of us are the good guys or the bad guys any more. With all the dirty cops that have made the headlines in the past few years. Whats sad I can't blamee them..
    TwoCrows and Thaddius Bickerton like this.
  8. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Which one do you want: Freedom from oppression or Government provided security? You can only have one. Choose wrong, you'll have neither.
    TwoCrows and Alpha Dog like this.
  9. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Motomom I think the reason that it hasn't been pasted on the news and in the news papers. Is it's not news anymore the less people fight the wrong doings in life the more acceptible it becomes. The scary thing is if you look back over say the past 5 years across the US there has been multiple violations simular to this one. The first few times some were angry after that people just began to live with it as a part of life or as I have had some tell me the orice to live in a free country. From my stand point their freedom is alot different than mine and we are not so free any more. I have worked a many of cases over the years that could have been open and shut with these type of tactics. Me saving the day and the bad guy in jail but I never had a second thought of doing this. Yes it would be easier and maybe prevent future crimes but to me the prize is not worth the loss. The loss being my right to drive down a highway or set in my living room playing with the girls not having to worry about my Brothers in Blue kicking in my door or jerking me from my vehicle for a thought not a reason. I beat it in to the heads of every L.E.O. I can when I get the chance. That the time will come when we will be the next target and they will use force because they know once local L.E.O.'s are gone Big Brother gets total control. Then the people won't accept us because we trampled them in the name of illegal laws and Big Brother don't need us any more. My veiw of being a Deputy, Im here to protect the citizens of the county and my oath of office, I swore to uphold the constitution of WV and The constitution of the US. To me I would be no better than the ones I arrest if I break the law to enforce the law. A law can not be truly enforced by ones who don't live by the laws we enforce. Im not saying I don't break laws because Id be telling a ,but if I have to enforce the ones I break like speeding I always do it with a forgiving hand and if possible use words of correction instead of the burden of fines. Any way I rambling however one wishes to view this even if they did get the suspect it is a violation of every US citizens rights. With the lack of news coverage and anger from the people we are at a danger point. When people start living with violations of their rights and not letting them know we will not stand for this. It is no longer a right it is a privalge given to us by big brother and can be taken away at anytime. Alot of us and I am one, always talking well the goverment took this from us and we don't have the right to do this any more they took it. Stop and look back over it, I have been doing alot of research here in the past few months. They havn't taken anything from us, we rolled over like puppies wanting our belley rubbed and give it to them. The sad thing is Big Brother is not to blame we are for allowing them to do it. Big Brother is just like a old hound if you allow him to suck eggs and not stop him he will continue to suck eggs until the eggs are gone. If you stop him and correct him letting him know this is not going to happen and punish him with some hot sauce in an egg. Then you can have fresh eggs for breakfast.
  10. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    They can't take anything from us unless we are willing to let it happen !!!!!!!!!!!
    WE THE PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Motomom34, oldawg and Alpha Dog like this.
  11. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    If'n someone of our mindset had been present and had attempted to get the sheeple behind us how quick you think we'd have found ourselves alone in a jail cell charged with inciting a riot, misconduct at the scene of an emergency, or some other vaguely written law that can be applied as a cover all? I don't mind seeing the inside of a jail cell, but those of us who care are spread so thin we are near helpless.
  12. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    For now I agree but our numbers are increasing.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Unfortunately, We mostly means sheeple people.

    and they are going for Government provided security to protect us from 'Insert a boogieman here'

    Will they wake up? Probably after a vast majority have been sheared and processed into soylent green.

    Then there will only be wolves, zombies, the enforcers and what is left of the sheep dogs and their flocks.

    Only when there are a scare few freedom enclaves scattered between zones of oppression.
  14. I was in yugoslavia in the early 90's.

    I have been in the desert and the jungle and places I would like to forget.

    Freedom dies because to many people will only act to preserve themselves. If putting up with jack boot tactics keeps the danger away from them and theirs they just roll over and let it happen.

    I fear that there is coming a time when individuals will start to play dead at the road blocks, go home, and write a will and go hunting. It will not be organized, nor will it alone fix the problem.

    I often wonder if the people like those at that road block will cry for those who did this to them should such events occur.

    In my opinion, until things reach the point where the typical sheople finds their selves pushed out of what ever comfort zone they have created, they care not for either side.

    Each time some LEO steps on the wrong neck, he adds to the probability that bad things will happen down the road. While there are foolish people who will try to make a stand when they have a "gun' pointed at their head, there is a group that have seen guerrilla warfare, and understand how to bring that to anyone that they choose to.

    I have always suspected that to be why govt wants to disarm vets. and should guerrilla warfare come to our land, it will be done bigger and better than anyone else ever thought to. Amerikans always do things better and bigger. A war against the powers that be would be no different.

    A "leaderless resistance" where only single and small groups decide that they have nothing to loose and potentially a lot to gain is the stuff that JBT's nightmares are made of.

    Probably the "good cops" that bother to think have their own nightmares, and hopefully plans to withdraw from the game when things reach the boiling point.

    Of course I could be wrong and we may just end up like soviet russia. I recall the writings where that russian wrote: If everytime "they" came for one of us they did not know if they would return home that night it would not have happened. Paraphrased cause I forget the exact quote but that was the gist of it.

    Things cannot continue as they are with all of the different pressures building without something giving, either freedom has to go or those who would destroy it have to. There can be no such thing as peaceful co-existance.

    Well at least that is how it seems today, tomorrow is a different day and like anything else I reserve the right to adjust my thinking as I gain new wisdom and knowledge.
    TwoCrows, Alpha Dog and Motomom34 like this.
  15. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    My only statement is 'Teach your children well as they may need to know what you know after the knowledge has been removed from the sanitized world'

    Yep boys and girls, for you summer vacation, you are going to learn about Guns, Explosives, Animal Husbandry, Wild plants, carpentry, caring for and growing you own food, trapping, welding, surgery, dental care, sanitation, water treatment, human powered machinery, blacksmithing, and yes there is a math test at the end because you need to know some basic trigonometry.

    You'll be glad to be back in school come fall, because the above list is not all encompasing.

  16. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Alphadog you made many interest statements and so did Thaddius plus the rest of you. I know my basic rights yet the speed in which they are passing laws to strip my rights, it is almost a daily study to keep up with what is what.

    I recall 10 years ago my children loved to say hi to the police if we saw them in the store or out & about. The officers were always kind and willing to greet the children. That is not so anymore. We had officers visit us 3 times in month. two of the officers arrived with intimidating attitude, the third was pleasant and willing to do his job rather then try to intimidate us into submission. I just don't know when or why it happened, but the people are becoming sheep and the LE is becoming feared. Actually that seems wrong, it is the people fear the police and the police fear the people. I don't know where I am going with this other then those officers in that intersection were gun-ho, lets go. If there was a good reasonable one in that gaggle of officers, that one failed to step forward and say, "this is wrong and we are putting these people in danger."

    This incident is alarming, disheartening and perplexing to me.
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