Can you get PTSD from watching media coverage of an event? Maybe. - Media Coverage Can Cause Trauma Just Like Real Life: Study
Oh, No.... I got PTSD from watching Mr. Pres. Trying to explain why ObamaCare Is good for "Me" and the Country... Does this mean I now lose all my Rights.
I turned the tube off when the prez opened his mouth... I am safe from the PTSD police.. Well, sort of, I am a vet..
My father has turned his TV off as well.. He made some biblical references and said something about nothing but sex and depravity..He wouldn't tell me what channels he had been watching..
We shut our TV off about 3 years ago I think it was. We didn't HAVE to, but the financial situation was such that we either get rid of TV or the electricity. For some reason we felt getting the power shut off instead of the TV wasn't a good idea. I missed TV at first, but now we're building up our DVD 'library'(plus our real library as well, added quite a few important homesteading type books over the past year), so it don't bother me none. Besides the commercials have just gotten so stupid over the past few years that I feel it's damaging to my brain to even have someone mention them.
Yes, one can find themselves parked in front of the TV and allowing those need to be dones evolve in criticle must be done nows..