(U//FOUO/LES) Los Angeles Fusion Center: Methods to Defeat Law Enforcement Crowd Control | Public Intelligence http://info.publicintelligence.net/LAJRIC-DefeatCrowdControl.pdf
They didn't list the best idea. Everybody get naked and slather themselves in lard. Let's see them grab you and put you in the paddy wagon then.
And if the people showed up armed at these events, I wonder how many police will be willing to assert their "no protest zone" tactics on a peaceful people or incite hostilities with undercover agents to provoke reason for their head bashing?
You didn't have to go there. Let a guy have his fantasies. When I shuddered, thinking of them Walmart queens, slathered in lard, I almost spilled my drink into my keyboard.
Yeah, I'd bet 97% of the American population would not look good 'oiled' - noticed I saved 3% for the patriots
Cannot think of any reason I would be in a riot force. If forced into it then one should have over whelming odds in their favor. The LEOs practice their tactics and have plenty of backup in case the situation goes south. A riot is nearly impossible to organize/coordinate/ or control by it's very nature. That is where they fail.
Once upon a time, in a land only a few hours away, there lived a little old man who liked to dress up in strappy, sexy platform sandals and dangly earrings. One day, whilst mulling over the differences between Cover Girl and Maybelline, the little old man asked me which foundation would best cover up his 5 o'clock shadow. As he held out his current selections for my judgement, I realized that I had a pair of strappy, sexy platform sandals exactly like the ones he was wearing. Walmart. Where Every Day is Halloween.