It would be awesome if they all went to a state like MT....there's nothing like voting with your feet.
If you know even a tenth of what you should know about your arms this is easy to do away with. The problem is the nuts that want this in the first place. They are the ONLY reason the founders felt we needed a 2nd to start with. Enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.
From what I understand they intend to have the firing pin or striker engraved so it would imprint a serial nbr on the primer when struck. It usually costs about $10 to replace that part. Duh!
Their choice would be 1) Add $200 each to the price of their guns, become uncompetitive and go out of the business.(The states they are in would lose jobs and tax revenue) 2) Move, which would cost money but they would still be in business. (The states they are in would lose jobs and tax revenue)
Its funny....Comifornia passes a microstamping law when Arnie was .Gov but placed the law in abayance(sp?) because the technology wasnt up to snuff...... Personally i think the gun companies should tell New England to screw off and move somewhere else.....
A little dremel work, a few new parts, who can say when you really need to overhaul your weapon for refurbishment or repair.
"I was out shooting and for some reason the firing pin snapped. Instead of buying a new one, I used a replacement one I had that was just taking up space. It still fires great." Lol.