“The property is currently still being worked on but most of the work has been done. Ready to move in.” 40 miles from Kansas City, MO.Hardened Underground Bunker-Home on 10.5 acres/ml. A 1960's nuclear war-proof communication center which cost $4,000,000.00 to build in 1960, 10,700 sq. ft usable floor space and can easily be expanded to much more, 2 ft thick concrete walls and ceilings, 3-4 ft of graded earth over the top, copper shielding against EMP, 2- 2,000 lb blast doors, 8 air vents with filtration and blast valve closure mechanisms. Water well on site with a new pump, 10,000 gallon underground stainless steel water storage tank, Aquasana Water Filtration System, escape hatch emergency exit, 177 ft tower that can be used for Hamm Radio or even possible cell tower. Lighting, pumps, heating, dehumidification and electric hoist operational. New water pipes and new aluminum roof on entry building. Occupied continuously for the last 5 years, the current owners remodeled much of the structure creating a two-story living space that includes a functional kitchen, bathroom, shower, large living room with a new electric fireplace, 4-6 bedrooms depending on use/needs, gym with equipment (treadmill, 2 bikes and workout machines), sound proof music studio with vocal booth and connected storage room, very large 16 ft ceiling recreation area, other living and storage areas. All nicely done. Commercial zoning, low property tax. Ready to move in. Owner Financing can be discussed with significant down payment. $599,000.00 or OBO Serious Inquiries Only Please. Video can be viewed here in 3 parts:
Hi! I'm not a Realtor, I am the owner. We could take that as a down payment and do owner financing with you so as long as you offer a higher amount. Thanks!
I am thinking there is something twisted in my makeup, but I have always wanted one of these.. Not in Kansas..
haha... I think I made an offer the day while I was smoking crack during one of my drinking binges....ooops sorry that was the mayor smoking... not me. Anyways I see a mod pull down whatever I posted which I am sure was low-ball- gracias.
Sounds nice! Didn't bother trying to view the videos (streaming at work is abysmal.....and yes, I'm goofing off on a Friday! LOL), but think this would make a nice SHTF scenario abode. For those worried about the likely lack of available windows, just set yourself up with some outdoor video cameras, and some nice big monitors. You can tell your insurance company it's a security system, and get a break on your homeowner's insurance!
I would love to buy/fixup something like this. How the heck do you find them and are they available all over or just Nuke Alley?
I didn't want to watch all the vieos but I found my water question answered on the Youtube description:
Many of the FEMA Installations are Cold War Bunkers, left over from the Nike Systems days in the 50s and 60s... The one I am most familiar with is in Bothell, Washington, on top of Nike Hill. It was built as the Command & Control Site for the Nike Missile System, that was to protect the Seattle area, and the Boeing Aircraft Factory, in that City, @ Boeing Field. When I was a FED, one of my duties, was to be able to man the Comms Suite, in that Bunker, so that Region X FEMA folks could be in touch with FEMA HQ and other FEMA Regional Offices. They had an impressive Array of Antennas, both Standing, and those deployable from hardened placements. The Comm Suite was completely fitted out with everything need to communicate, from DC to Light, and every Emission Know to Man. The Crypto Gear was setup in a different Area, and I din't have clearance, for that space, but we passed ALL the Crypto Traffic directly to them, via fiber, and this was back before most folks had eve heard of fiber Comms. I actually got paid to go Stand a Watch, two weekends a year, in that place. Made some great Ham Contacts from there, while nothing else was happening. .....
An AT&T "blast proof" site went on the block near us a few yrs back. A com company bought it because of it's height and in place antennas.
And it is a lovely bunker... a bit dated but still gets the job done I suppose. Was in it two years ago...it did need a fresh paint job and some new decor
There is one in W. PA. It's in Beaver County. I'm new so I can't post links but if you go to safecastle classifieds or do a search for "pa bunker for sale" you'll find it.