military studies

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Tango3, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

  2. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That was five minutes of my life wasted that I will never get back. The writer of the piece assumes that the military is so ignorant that whatever these cheese balls say, must be the truth. Come on, give me a break. We got the intel summaries, the S-2's made assessments, and we worked angles to manipulate to get what we want out of him as well.
    Guerillas don't always win, matter of fact, they rarely win. This writer doesn't take into account that the Iraqi military, police and most importantly, the local citizenry will take care of this issue, as most of the guerillas throughout the country are pushed by foreign fighters and they are tired of it. Why do you think Sadr is making all these overtures, because he has to if he wants to keep his power base.
  3. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Never win? I beg to differ(We'll just agree to disagree,and I'll go back to fantasyland...I seem to remember helicopters dripping with people scrambling to get off the embassy roofs in saigon... or was that just a bad movie(?).
    You're there,
    "alternet "is a liberal outhouse...
    Therefore I have no grounds to argue very much.
  4. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re-read, I didn't say never win, I said rarely win. Guerrilla's rarely win. Just because the occupier doesn't kill every last man, woman, and child doesn't mean that they lost. I won't argue Vietnam, but you can't argue the fact that we effectively stopped a guerilla war with a couple nukes in Japan!
  5. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    ,, "Never/rarely" my bad there...
    We avoided a guerilla war on the japanese mainland by bombing the Japanese to the "peace table"otherwise we fought regular massed troops/ships/aircraft.. Since I can only argue semantics in your post ( not add anything signifigant, as I'm weak in "History" and have neither the facts nor inclination to argue. I'll Just leave with this one last idea: "(1776 ; guerillas one, tyrants zip...)..."
    Good luck, try to be safe...:)
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