<IFRAME id=_atssh205 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; Z-INDEX: 100000; LEFT: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 1px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 1px" name=_atssh205 src="//s7.addthis.com/static/r07/sh26.html#cb=0&ab=-&dh=www.survivalmonkey.com&dr=&du=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.survivalmonkey.com%2Fforum%2Fnewthread.php%3Fdo%3Dpostthread%26f%3D11&dt=&inst=1&lng=en-us&pc=men&pub=&ssl=0&sid=4cd9aaaf82a122e1&srd=1&srf=0.02&srp=0.2&srx=0&ver=250&xck=0&rev=84393" width=1 height=1 frameborder="0"></IFRAME> Anybody have any details on the reported / video taped missle launch this morning off the coast of California? Military said it was not them. A <DEL>San Francisco</DEL> Los Angeles television station captured amazing video, yesterday evening, of what appears to be a missile flying high, about 35 miles off the California coast. KCBS' news chopper video shows an impressive rocket trailed by a plume of smoke. The whole scene is bathed in the golden light of a California sunset and according to reports, the light emanating from object could be seen in Los Angeles. <SCRIPT src="http://www.cbs8.com/global/video/videoplayer.js?rnd=217563;hostDomain=www.cbs8.com;playerWidth=430;playerHeight=242;isShowIcon=true;clipId=5274555;flvUri=;partnerclipid=;adTag=News;advertisingZone=undefined;enableAds=false;landingPage=;islandingPageoverride=false;playerType=STANDARD_EMBEDDEDscript_EMBEDDEDscript;v=2;controlsType=fixed&sfgdata=+sfgRmluamFuX1R5cGU9amF2YV9zY3JpcHQmRmluamFuX0xhbmc9dGV4dC9qYXZhc2NyaXB0+a" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT> <OBJECT class=inlineimg id=WNHeadline217563divWNHeadline217563 title="" height=25 alt="" width=430 data=data:application/x-oleobject;base64,IGkzJfkDzxGP0ACqAGhvEzwhRE9DVFlQRSBIVE1MIFBVQkxJQyAiLS8vVzNDLy9EVEQgSFRNTCA0LjAgVHJhbnNpdGlvbmFsLy9FTiI+DQo8SFRNTD48SEVBRD4NCjxNRVRBIGh0dHAtZXF1aXY9Q29udGVudC1UeXBlIGNvbnRlbnQ9InRleHQvaHRtbDsgY2hhcnNldD13aW5kb3dzLTEyNTIiPjwvSEVBRD4NCjxCT0RZPg0KPFA+Jm5ic3A7PC9QPjwvQk9EWT48L0hUTUw+DQo= border=0 classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 name=WNHeadline217563divWNHeadline217563>                                                 </OBJECT> <OBJECT class=inlineimg id=WNVideoCanvas2217563divWNVideoCanvas217563 title="" height=242 alt="" width=430 data=data:application/x-oleobject;base64,IGkzJfkDzxGP0ACqAGhvEzwhRE9DVFlQRSBIVE1MIFBVQkxJQyAiLS8vVzNDLy9EVEQgSFRNTCA0LjAgVHJhbnNpdGlvbmFsLy9FTiI+DQo8SFRNTD48SEVBRD4NCjxNRVRBIGh0dHAtZXF1aXY9Q29udGVudC1UeXBlIGNvbnRlbnQ9InRleHQvaHRtbDsgY2hhcnNldD13aW5kb3dzLTEyNTIiPjwvSEVBRD4NCjxCT0RZPg0KPFA+Jm5ic3A7PC9QPjwvQk9EWT48L0hUTUw+DQo= border=0 classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 name=WNVideoCanvas2217563divWNVideoCanvas217563>                                                 </OBJECT> <SCRIPT src="http://www.cbs8.com/global/video/flash/WNVideo.asp?CallbackFunc=WorldNowRenderEmbedVideoPlayer217563" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT src="http://KFMB.images.worldnow.com/interface/js/WNVideo.js?ver=201010300600" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>window.onload=WorldNowRenderEmbedVideoPlayer217563</SCRIPT><SCRIPT id=WNVideoScript src="http://content.worldnow.com/global/tools/video/WNVideoCodebase.js?ver=201010090400" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT id=WNSwfObjectScript src="http://content.worldnow.com/global/tools/video/swfobject.js?ver=201010090400" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT id=AddThisScript src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js?pub=xa-4a6f307d7c62c8a7" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT id=WNAdManagerScript src="http://KFMB.images.worldnow.com/interface/js/wnadmanager.js?ver=201010090400" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT> <!-- END ID="RES131187606" CLASS="BUCKETWRAP STATICHTML" -->So who launched it? The KFMB video above reports neither the Navy nor the Air Force would take responsibility. The Los Angeles Times reports that launches off the coast aren't uncommon and "some have speculated it was a private rocket launch." Screenshot <!-- END CLASS="CAPTIONWRAP" --> Which is to say that it's all still a mystery. UPDATE, 12:33 p.m.: NPR's Tom Gjelten did some digging and Lt. Desmond James, a public affairs officer with NORAD, sent him this statement: NORAD and USNORTHCOM are aware of the unexplained contrail reported off the coast of Southern California yesterday evening. At this time, we are unable to provide specific details, but we are working to determine the exact nature of this event. We can confirm that there is no indication of any threat to our nation and we will provide more information as it becomes available. 2:27 p.m.: NORAD added a bit more detail to its statement, saying, now, that "from all indications this was not a launch by a foreign military."
SPACE.com Staff Writer posted: 09 November 2010 01:59 pm ET Few details are surfacing about the mysterious missile launch seen Monday night (Nov. 8) from a point just off the southern coast of <st1:State w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">California</st1lace></st1:State>, with aerospace and defense officials trying to find out exactly who launched it and why. "We're looking into it," Ian Gregor, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration, told SPACE.com. CBS affiliate KCBS caught the launch on camera and reported that military officials were "tight-lipped over the nature of the projectile." In the video, a long plume of exhaust can be seen as the missile rockets into the evening sky. The launch occurred about 35 miles out at sea, west of <st1:City w:st="on">Los Angeles</st1:City> and north of <st1lace w:st="on">Catalina Island</st1lace>. Gregor said, "We did not approve any commercial space launches in that area for Monday, and any additional information should come from NORAD. That's pretty much all I can say right now." A spokesman with the U.S. Missile Defense Agency told SPACE.com in an e-mail that the incident was "not an MDA test or launch." [Most Destructive Space Weapons Concepts] A Navy spokesperson told station KFMB that no Navy activity had been reported in the area Monday evening. NORAD — the North American Aerospace Defense Command — is a joint U.S.-Canadian organization charged with providing aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning for North America. NORAD is working in conjunction with U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) to investigate last night's launch. The mission of USNORTHCOM is to provide military command and control of homeland defense efforts and support local, state, and federal authorities. It was established in October 2002. NORAD provided SPACE.com with the following statement: "NORAD and USNORTHCOM are aware of the unexplained contrail reported off the coast of <st1:State w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">Southern California</st1lace></st1:State> yesterday evening. At this time, we are unable to provide specific details, but we are working to determine the exact nature of this event. We can confirm that there is no threat to our nation, and from all indications this was not a launch by a foreign military. We will provide more information as it becomes available." The <st1:country-region w:st="on">U.S.</st1:country-region> military does, on occasion, conduct missile test launches and other weapons tests over the <st1lace w:st="on">Pacific Ocean</st1lace> that are publicly announced. On Oct. 29, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency conducted a drill with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force in a joint test of ballistic missile defense intercept capabilities. Photos and videos of that launch, as well as of several others conducted during the last few months, were released via the Missile Defense Agency's website.
That's disconcerting.. We don't know who launched it but it wasn't coming toward us so it's not a threat... We'll look into it.. Return to jersey shore and we'll get back to you..
Hey Honey, what are the kids doing out there in the back yard? I doubt anything was missing. Nobody even takes a crap in the sky without WADS (Western Air Defense) aka Bigfoot, knowing about it. Mystery Missile Caught on Tape - CBS News Video
The only way we should be reducing our munitions inventory is at an enemy. A show of capability? That is an oxymoron like military intelligence, perfect hindsight, and President Obama.
I was being a bit facetious. There are any number of reasons for a launch of a warshot or replica. Malfunctions are high on the list of possibles, meaning the type of malfunction that renders the munition unsafe to unload. Since in this case there's no record of a boom-boom we might assume one of two or three (or more) things: unarmed and launched due to propulsion system malf, an error in the firing sequence training, or a training sabot deliberately launched and no notice given ahead of time. (We did some of those back in the day.)
They know what was going on. A US FLEET WAS CONDUCTING OPERATIONS IN THE AREA AS WELL IT WAS ALL PLANNED, AN EXERCISE. A cruise liner off the coast of northern baja California had an engine fire and was adrift, it was aided by the USS Ronald Reagan which was conducting fleet exercises in the area. If NORAD has no idea of what or where (came from or going to) then the defense budget should be cut, ineptness doesn't need to cost as much as it apparently does these days.
Was it 'SkyNet' building itself? did the missle look like a BigBoy statue? I'm heading for the hills.
It had to be one of ours. The alternative is not what I want to think about. Have you folks been reading about how pissed the Chinese are with Ben's QE-2?
Could be a test run by any Third Turd nation with a little drug-money, some Russian/Chinese weapons connections and an old leaky tramp steamer....... Or maybe their guidance system was wonky, and it didn't go where they intended....?
As always, we are missing at least one key to the puzzle. The "experts" and officials in our government laugh at the 'crazy conspiracy theorists', exclaiming it's all under control and nothing is out of the ordinary. Move along, citizen. Contrail. A perfectly normal, ordinary contrail that just happened to catch everybody's attention. That's all. Here's some more fluoridated water, you look thirsty. Whatever game is being played, be it a strategic operation to warn off an outside influence, or a show of force, to perhaps a sideshow to attract attention and divert our eyes -it matters not. As time continues to spell out increasingly the amount of power which has been aggregated into the hands of the few, and as we are hurled deeper into an all encompassing fascist police state, more people will be waking up to realize that they have also lost their golden opportunity to throw out the despots which have now obtained a strangle-hold on our society. And as the situation progresses, it will become most precarious indeed. YOU are the enemy on the grand stage, herded like cattle to the slaughter. Moo and whine and cry and gnash your teeth, for it is all we have come to expect as retribution for undermining and destroying liberty and the republic. The masters of deceit can spin cotton fiber into the purest gold and the feeble peasants will gaze in wonder. Nothing ever changes.
It was a contrail (condensation trail) Illusion due to the helicopters perspective. Believe it or not YouTube - Ripley's Believe It Or Not w/ Jack Palance 1980s Or this one YouTube - Greatest American Hero - Believe It Or Not