
Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by Bluenote, May 23, 2012.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You're an evil old pirate!
  2. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    Excuse me? The original claim was that a belief in God was required for a human to exhibit morality.

    The "proof" is as close as those who live by a moral code and yet do not believe in a deity.

    The rest is a sidestep.

    I deleted your unneeded primer on falsifiablity.

    As regards " ridicule " , you mean like postulating that an entire subset of humanity has no morals because they don't believe in the same deity?
  3. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Iran: Discovery will collapse Christianity

    I post this only to show that "morals" is a concept--not codified like the 10 Commandments--defined by its owner and based on *A* religion or value system.

    So, this guy, the Ayatollah Areola HAS morals...AND, he does NOT believe in a Christian God. His morals are based on another religion's value set. Thus, disproving that morals come from the Christian God.
    TwoCrows, Brokor and RightHand like this.
  4. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Where did Cro-Magnon come from? What about the numerous missing links that are needed and have never been produced?
    larryinalabama likes this.
  5. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    I know I'm nit-picking here, because I agree with what I believe your position to be - that morality does not come from a Judeo-Christian God; that morality exists, and even thrives, outside of Christianity.

    (I personally feel that it is easier for me to teach my child morality outside of the Judeo-Christian ethos, than it would be in a Christian Church.)

    This particular example though, does more to illustrate moral relativity than it illustrates non-Christian-based morality in action. I say this because Islam venerates the Jewish Bible. Jews, and Christians, are identified as "people of the book" and as such are subject to special protection under Islam. Most of the verses in the Qur'an which advocate violence, are talking about infidels - not people who don't believe in the Prophet Mohammed's revelations, but people who do not believe in the one true God, the God of Abraham. A Civil War was being waged between Pagan Arabs, and the Muslim community, while much of the Qur'an was being revealed. Muslims may believe that the New Testament is a bit off the mark (and they might very well feel justified in burning it), but at least the Old Testament portion of the Bible is accepted as scripture.

    Most non-radicalized Muslims would consider burning the Bible to be an immoral act. This action, if not the figment of some Iranian Revolutionary Guardsman's imagination, is in the same class as Terry Jones' ignorant burning of the Qur'an. Neither are acceptable by their societies at large, and thus, the perpetrators of both are on morally shaky ground.

    This example does a good job of pointing out why it is possible for very intelligent and well-meaning people to have a discussion, such as the current one, about morality; and to be on opposite sides of the proposition. Morality, in all of its nuances, is not a clear cut subject. But if all of the participants in this discussion didn't consider themselves to be moral individuals, we wouldn't be having the discussion at all, and that, at least, is a good thing.
  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I have been absent for awhile and have just returned to the board to find this thread. From a quick review of the posts it seems to me that there is some misconceptions that are clouding the issue. So let me see if I can clarify them, as I see it of course.

    First off is the difference between faith and religion. They are not one in the same. Faith is the belief in a creator, basically, and that we all derive our existence from that creator. Religion is a man made construct to express that faith. And anything that fallible man has a hand in is subject to error, ego and prejudice.
    To argue against God, Christ,Christianity or any other faith by citing instances of religious fervor and misdeed is to completely misunderstand the relationship between faith and religion.
    The sins, wrongs, crimes of the Catholic religion during the inquisition, crusades etc. or the abhorrent actions of some leader of a "Christian" church, is not an indictment of the faith of Christianity. It is an example of religion run amok.
    To equate the actions of radicals who happen to follow Islam is an indictment of their religious beliefs not an indictment of the faith of Islam.

    Now as to morals. All faiths have as an underlying base the belief that there is good and evil. A god creator and an evil malevolent subversive. We are all beings created by the good creator and therefore endowed by him, them, it with an ingrained sense of right and wrong. This is where morality comes from. And it is wholly irrelevant whether or not you believe in that creator, the innate sense of morality still resides within you.
    So when someone of faith says that morality comes from God that is a true statement. No matter what it is you call God. Or whether or not you believe in God. You do not have to have a belief in god to be godly or moral.
    Religious dogmas and doctrines vary widely around the world, even among the same faiths. So to state that morality comes from religion is completely false. A particular faiths doctrines might influence ones perceptions of right and wrong but it is not where it is derived from.

    One has to be a complete sociopath to violate the ingrained sense of morality and feel no remorse or self recrimination. And that is a defined and rare mental condition. The vast majority of people, even those who have committed horrendous crimes contrary to all moral standards, feel the guilt, the wrongness, of their actions.

    The sense of basic "morality" resides in all of us, but how we translate that into our daily lives and interactions is dependent on our environment. Societal "morals" or ethics change over time, and between geographical locales. What is socially acceptable or ethical in our world today was frowned upon in years past. But that is quite different than morality as we know it. What a society in the jungles of Borneo sees as a societal norm, as ethical, is abhorrent to people in Western society. But that is not the same as being "moral". The Borneon parents love their children,provide for and protect their families, they have an ingrained, and not so different, sense of morality. It is only their ethics that are contrary to ours.

    So the crux of the argument should be that morality is inborn in all humanity. It is ingrained in all of our psyche, derived from our creation, wherever you personally choose to believe that creation originated. It is only the expression of that ingrained morality, our personal code of ethics, that is influenced or codified by our social constructs.

    As for the Christian faith, there are few things in scripture that are expressly and directly forbidden by God. All else is mans extrapolation. Paul expressed this in his epistle to the Roman church. There was a great controversy over whether it was "moral" or righteous, permissible, ethical to eat meat that had been sacrificed to roman "gods". It was the practice to give this meat to the people after a religious sacrifice. Paul addresses this in a manner that, as in all scripture in general, is a message to instruct in all situations. He said, and I am paraphrasing, that if you feel it is wrong and you do it, if you violate your ingrained sense of morality,your ethics, then you have sinned. But if your brother does not believe it is wrong, it does not violate his ethos, and he does it then he has not sinned. Of course this refers only to those things which are not expressly forbidden.

    So we have to realize the difference between morals and ethics. I would define morals as the ingrained sense of right and wrong inherent in all of us. Ethics is the expression of that sense in a societal norm.
    One can have that inborn sense of morality and yet be unethical. A liar and cheat still has within them an innate sense that what they are doing is wrong. They only choose to ignore it. Whereas another person who strives to live their life by a more strict ethos is expressing their same sense of morality in the choice they make to live an ethical life.

    Ok that's my 2 cents on the subject. And of course in the words of my administrative colleague, "YMMV".
  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I can accept this. Like usual, you make sense and do not offend. I am glad to see you are still active.

    That might be a bit of a leap, but it is the best I have heard from the big guy camp. :)
    Sapper John and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  8. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Judge not lest ye be judged."

    " Remove the log from thine own eye brother , prior worrying about the mote in another's... "

    And also as stated in the other thread. I **KNOW** the territory , I was born into aberrant Christianity , I am a product/victim of the system and in the end living proof that the modern implementations of Christianity can and will at times produce A T H I E S T S.

    Same question as Jim2 , do you consider Ted Haggard to be " moral"? Swaggart? Harold Camping? Joyce Meyer ?

    I wasn't even going to answer you as I've already completed my duty to tell you the truth once and you chose not to believe. That is your choice that God allowed you to have, and it doesn't bother me at all. You are a reprobate. I doubt you completely understand the meaning of the word, but there you are. Prior to this I made no judgements on anyone. Now however, I must call it like I see it, as not to do so would be a dis-service to you.

    I answered the above quote in my PM to you. You are dishonest with everyone here and worst of all with yourself. You are a liar and a coward when you impute things to me that I never said. You make yourself God, and that is a pitiful thing indeed. You are a mindless reprobate, and no amount of truth or facts will ever penetrate your willfully hardened heart. One day you will stand before God, as we all will. You will also be reminded of the many times you had the chance to repent and failed to do so. Your blood is on your hands not mine.


    I am glad of one thing. I am friends with quite a few pagans and non-believers. We have always been able to discuss anything without rancor or violent out bursts like you are prone to. We respect each other, and are friends instipe of our differences. You fail in that area too.

    Be glad that The Father is changing me, as I could easily shred any and all of your mindless posts merely using logic. You are not the intellect you seem to feel you are, Chelloveck has that, and you do not.. Far from it, you are just a small bitter hate-filled person that unfortunately won't change or leave others alone. Please feel free to spew your hate-filled socialist vomit as much as you wish, as I will not further cast pearls before swine. That's Christianese for you too are on Ignore.

    larryinalabama likes this.
  9. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Glad to see you back again B. I have missed our debates.
    Quigley_Sharps and Brokor like this.
  10. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    This post illustrates my points quite well so I use it for clarification.

  11. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    bLah , bal bla again Jim. Sorry but you passed judgement on folks the second you opened your yap and made the claim that one can not have Morals without a belief in YOUR Deity.

    And of course NOW you give us an example of your FINE debate skill and mastery of Ad Hominem , alll while you're backpeddling and saying " I didn't say what i SAID'...

    And then of course it's on to the usual DRIVEL of those who can't construct a rational arguement , " You're a socialist , you're bitter" bal blahablaBLABBETY.

    I'm a " liar and a coward".....where did I lie clown? Kindly highlight that and repost it for all to see?

    Coward? YOU starting something 'cause ya figure you're gonna get over and them cutting and running? That kind of cowardly?

    Like the ******** above after an actual discussion developed? That kind of cowardly.

    And then of course the " One day you will astand" crap , no I won't sp spare me your abusive rhetoric.

    See *YOU demonstrate handily what's gone wrong with religion in America , your little hatefilled screed above is NO different than the same crap coming from Radical Islam.

    " Easily shred your posts using logic"... if you could have done so you would have done so , so say the useless pecker waving. And then of course we come to " violent outbursts" , CHRISTIANESE for " if you don't agree with me I'll claim anything to attempt to taint you. '

    And of course you'll put me on ignore , it will allow you to avoid the questions and issues and give you the opportunity to feel " superior".....

    So ya got anything else BOY , anything besides the personally oriented hyperbole that's gotten old and tired?

    But get something straight Jimmuh , *you* don't give me orders and your HELL will freeze over before I *ever* submit to ******** like the above.

    And guess what clown , when and if the crunch comes , well a " Goblin" wearing a Crucifix will get shot just as fast as any other Goblin.

    Now are you done yet BOY , didn't want to actually discuss the Bible or anything else did ya , just the usual chest pounding by another adherent who hasn't even actually read the Bible and who wishes to play BULLY and dictate to folks how they are to believe.

    Good luck with that ya punk.
  12. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    You're in error on several points. Along with the usual " you misunderstand" sctick and the usual self superior overtones delivered to the unbeliever.

    NO I don't misunderstand , nor do I base stance on the Covenant issues on the rhetoric/hyperbole of a single denomination.
  13. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    This is a reminder for all posters that you will not personally insult anothe member in support of your own opinion. Mannerly debate is welcomed and enjoyed by all but personal attacks have no place in our forum.

    None of the moderators care to issue any warning or close a thread but when a thread turns ugly, it is sometimes the only solution. for those of us enjoying and learning from the debate, please don't put us in a position of having to take either action
  14. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Perhaps they walk by you everyday. But, philosophers have conned people into believing there are no differences in humans. If evolution were to be happening, the changes would be so small that we wouldn't a glacier.

    Attached Files:

    tulianr and Brokor like this.
  15. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    A possibility for sure.
  16. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    So Minuteman , you consider Michael Travesser to be MORAL , just not Ethical...............he diddles underage girls and he's MORAL? Don't split hairs with me. And I don't care what you and your book say , jackasses such as Travesser should be floating.

    And don't hand me that " strength of the spirit and conviction " crap as if it held true across Christians as a body , that's individualistic , not a group phenomenon.

    And could you dispense with the " Xtians GOOd , others LESSER" bleating , it's the same regardless of how you try to doll it up and it's an inherently divisive construct , but that's what's wanted isn't it?

    To divide a group off from the main flock and convince them that they're " special " and have " the truth" Thereby justifying their attitudes towards and abuses of the " UnBelievers "..........

    Oh and I see from your rhetoric that you're headed towards " pick and choose" theology as regards the sticky thornball of the Covenant , won't work , didn't work for Meyer , didn't work for the Murrays , didn't work for ANY of the SDA " biggies" at Andrews or Loma Linda. But hey go ahead and try it.

    And I've previously stated that it's the applicatory model , so don't act like you " discovered" it.

    And then we come to the one that you sort can never get around , that being FREE WILL...........modern proselytisers HATE it , because folks ***don't have*** to stand still for their nattering ******** , nor do they HAVE to " accept God"...........though the majority of Fundy types would quite willingly FORCE their beliefs on others through whatever force and coercive tactic necessary , including the social and financial. Don't even bother to argue it , I have too many examples of ruined lives from too many different denominations and sects.

    I moved clear across the country , several times. And was pursued at length by " good christians" with their mob/hate on and have seen them treat others who " left the fold" in similar fashion , in addition I have seen YOUR rhetoric along with Jim2 and Larry's pursued in real life to the NTH degree right to the actual SOCIAL abuse , the ostracisation and the financial hardship visited upon people because they quite simply ***were not Christian**** or because they were the ***wrong*** kind of Christian.

    See in the end the vast majority of non Christians I meet are pretty much live and let live , a certain cadre of Xtians ***aren't*** , they're as much " convert or die or you're a Dhimmi" as any given Islamic fanatic and only too willing to attempt to ram their doctrine down ones throat.

    Which brings us back around to free Will , I don't have to accept " God" and I also don't have to put up with a lot of crap from folks based on whether I do so or not.

    I accept an individual or don't based on **their* merits , not on which Theology , Flag or Ideology they happen to be waving.

    And frankly *so far* the alleged Christian arguement in this amounts to the same old " well you're an unbeliever so of course you're XYZ " crap along with the usual " look down your nose " smugly self-superior schtick.

    Tell ya what folks , this *could* have been a rational and logical discussion , it MIGHT be. But NOT if the Xtians present don't dispense with all the unproveable postulations about others based SOLELY upon the thin criteria of whether one chooses to worship a given deity.

    Oh and that " error in interpretation and eschatology" , hhmmmm who else says that and utilises that crutch? Or should I just ask what shill television preacher *doesn't* use that one? Prooftexting won't get anybody anywhere.

    Oh and to shortcut prior to it's use , the " Complete word of God in Inerrancy and All Truth" line? Don't use it , unless of course you want to be reminded of " not one jot or tittle" and subsequently get a crash course in HOW it's been changed to suit various folks fancies.

    Now *again* and as I have stated previously , modern Christianity is so far from the Biblical model as to be well nigh unrecognisable , it no longer is oriented towards those who actually have need of Hope and Grace , nor towards spreading the Word , it has become a Ponzi Scheme in many cases. A method of exploiting cash and power upon the backs of the poorest and least educated of many societies.

    Offers of " help " predicated upon " acceptance " of and becoming XYZ denomination of Christianity..................and meanwhile " back home" , the " Conference Presidents " are arriving in limos and wearing suits that could feed a 3rd world mission village for a month.

    As I stated , I'm quite willing for this to be a rational discussion. But the usual sort of demonisation of the given non-Christian who dares to speak out is well underway , the same old hackneyed cliche' accusations that by now elicit nothing more than a shrug.

    Now lets just cut to the chase , until Christianity as a whole entity cleans up it's own house it has NO business dictating " Morals " to others , ( by the way Jimmuh NONE of this had diddly to do with Socialism....we can discuss that too).......

    The lynchpin question being the one asked about the morals of Ted Haggard...........via the current Fundie criteria he's " immoral " , and in point of fact by MOST of the worlds criteria he's a pretty immoral fella , being caught with a buncha meth and a male hooker in a motel room would kinda indicate that.........

    So what's he doing back in the pulpit?
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Please refer to post #53, again. That post serves as a warning under the CoC, and will not necessarily be repeated to those that need warnings; you should have a pretty good idea who you are. We anticipate that the posts and thread will be left open, but edits and deletes could happen, as could short term removal of privileges should a cooling off period be advisable. If your access is suddenly not available, check back in a week. You may take it as a pointed reminder that civility is expected and required whether you deem yourself or anyone else as "moral" or otherwise.
    Minuteman, chelloveck, BTPost and 3 others like this.
  18. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    Here , lets just get this out in the open so folks get some perspective and others know exactly where they stand.

    I was born into fundamentalist Pentacostalism , I went from that to radical , fundamentalist Adventism.
  19. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Its a good day, Id throw the off switch as a B-Day Gift to me:)
    BTPost, oldawg and Guit_fishN like this.
  20. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    I believe in im getting out of here and going to have that Drink, play nice...
    Redneck Rebel and Brokor like this.
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